A Hackers Pet Peeve

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Inside of a two bedroom apartment, Izuku stood in the kitchen.  He watched a package turn in the microwave, with a hand on his stomach. It growled, almost as loud as the hum of the heating machine.

“Only half a minute left my friend,” He spoke with a pat to his stomach. The light from the microwave illuminated his face in the dark room. He decided it was best to leave the light off as to not wake his mother.

As soon as the microwave beeped, Izuku opened the door. His stomach growled at the smell of it. He grabbed the bag of popcorn and hissed as it burned his fingers. His hunger overpowered the urge to drop it. With an arm full of other snacks and a bottle of orange juice in his other hand, he ran to his room.

Just managing to avoid stepping on a ball of fur, he dumped everything on his desk.

“Bad Cosmo,” He scolded the cat that had jumped onto his. The black and white cat stepped over the keys of his laptop to get to his hoard of food. “Oh no, I don't think so Mr.” Izuku glared. He lifted Cosmo up and set him on the ground. “I'm not letting you get into my bag of Cheetos again.”

He gagged at the memory of having to clean up the cats throw up. He didn't want to hear his mother scolding him for a second time.

An image of his mother appeared in his mind and he shivered at the sudden coldness in the room.

Cosmo meowed before he jumped onto his bed. He circled around Izukus pillow and laid down. Cosmo stared at him, as though he could understand what Izuku was saying.

Satisfied that he wouldn't be bothered by the feline, Izuku sat at his desk and opened the bag of popcorn. However, he didn't eat it. Instead, he typed on his laptop. A screen popped up, a large three-d sign of the letters UA spun around. After a few more clicks the screen turned into a blank page.

“Let the hacking begin,” Izuku murmured to himself. He threw popcorn into his mouth. Green words appeared on the screen, to most it would have been to fast to read, but Izuku had no problem keeping up with the pace. His eyes scanned from left to right just as fast as the words appeared.

He leaned forward, brows furrowed as he concentrated. The words came to a stop and Izuku typed.

Then the words disappeared.

A new screen took place. Files appeared.

Izuku clicked on the one that said student records.

In that file were more. They were all labeled differently from 1-A to 3-Z. Izuku clicked on 1-A.

As more files appeared, Izuku took a swig of his orange juice. He ignored Cosmo, who had left his sleeping spot and took interest in what Izuku was eating once more.

Instead of setting the cat down like he had before, Izuku swatted the cat away from his hoard of snacks.

“To think mom wanted a mutt.” He muttered. “You're lucky I managed to change her mind.”

Cosmo meowed and settled on the space on the other side of his desktop.

Izuku focused on the task at hand. The folders before him were labeled by names of those who were in the class. They were ranked from grade performances. At the top of the files, there was a title.

Hero class One A

Having seen this all before, Izuku checked who was the top student for the week. He was surprised to find that the name that was usually the first, was replaced by someone else.

Bakugou, Katsuki.

Next to it was the student that was replaced.

Todoroki, Shoto.

Izuku tisked at the folder named Shouto, “Mother must be very disappointed.” He spoke as if it could hear him. “And to be fair, I am too. I was rooting for you,” He shook his head in shame.

“Can you believe this, Cosmo? Shouto was bumped to second place,” He scoffed. The cat opened an eye, yet after noticing that he wasn't getting any food, he went back to sleep.

“Second place!” Izuku exclaimed. “No one likes a second placer, Shouto, you know this.” He opened his bottle of orange juice and drank.

“Let's see who you've been replaced with.” He murmured. He clicked on the file.

A picture of a blonde haired boy appeared. He glared at Izuku with a frown.

“Well Katsuki doesn't seem very happy.” Izuku murmured. He ate his popcorn. “Smile, you might look approachable.”

Izuku scrolled down and scanned his file.

Quirk: Explosion

Izukus eyebrows rose, “Explosion?” He turned to Cosmo, “Would it be wrong to say that it's fitting?”

Not getting an answer, he turned back to the screen.

He scrolled down to the teachers note.

“Bad temper. Foul mouth,” Izuku glanced up at the picture, “To think you speak to your mother with that mouth. It's a wonder how you even surpassed Shoto with all these bad comments.” He continued reading. “Doesn't work well with others,”

Izuku tisked, “Definitely a fitting quirk.”

Izuku opened a drawer and pulled out a notebook and pen. He wrote down notes.

Has the personality of a villain.

Before he could continue, his computer sounded an alarm.

Frightened from the sudden disturbance, Cosmo ran away with his fur standing. Hissing could be heard from under the bed.

The computer screen turned red, illuminating the room in a warm glow.

Izuku screeched and typed with fast fingers, “You dare override The Collector of Heroes?!” The alarm blared from the computer speaker. Izuku didn't seem to noticed how loud it was.

“Are you trying to send me a virus?! After everything I've done for you?!” He shouted at the inanimate object as if it could hear him. “I could've busted loads of viruses but did I?!”

The alarm continued.

“No!” He shouted his answer. The alarm stopped. Sparks flew from his computer, causing Izuku to fly back with a curse.

His chair fell to the ground.

“No, no, no,” He repeated, pulling his hair as he watched his fried computer combust on itself.

The door opened.

“Mom for the last time, knock!” He exclaimed without turning around. “One day you might see something you don't want to see.”

When he didn't get a reply, he sighed and turned around, “I'm sorry if I woke-”

Before he could finish his sentence something hit the side of his head.

He crumbled to the floor, and just before he passed out, he realized that the person in his room, wasn't his mother.

A/N: Tomorrow(Friday) I'm moving and money is tight because of it. So updates may take longer depending if the situation goes as planned, and because of the possibilities of slow updates I decided to post this a few days early. (Usually updates every sunday.)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2018 ⏰

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