Chapter 16

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

Me and Altertale Sans, or Soriel as we decided to call him because of his personality, were baking a huge cinnamon-butterscotch pie, along with 'dogs, and hot-cats. Storyshift Sans, or Sansgore was preparing tea. As we baked, someone suddenly fell on me. I landed on the ground with an oof.

"Who the hell are you!?!? And where is my senpie!?! What did you do to her!?!?" An alternate version of Sans was pinning me down, with a knife on my neck.

"Let go!" I shouted, struggling. I heard loud footsteps as the skeleton pushed the knife in my neck harder.

"I'll ask you one last time, where is my senpie?" He asked. Soriel and Sansgore gasped. Suddenly, the skeleton was lifted off me, I quickly sat up.

"Are you okay!?!" Flowerfell, or Cherry cried out, immediately crouching by me.

"Y-yeah..." I felt my neck, only to see a cut dropping with blood, I flinched at the sharp pain.

"You're bleeding" Ink also sat by me, took out his brush and healed me.

"Thanks" I thanked him. He smiled and I sent a comforting smile towards Cherry.

"I'm okay Cherry berry, no need to worry" I told him and he nodded. I looked up, only to see Error, Fia, and Gradient talking with the other Sans, who looked grumpy as hell. Nightmare sat down where Cherry was previously sitting. Cherry was now standing beteen Sansgore, and Soriel, looking uncomfortable as the two counterparts of the once couple glared daggers at each other. I suddenly realised something.

"Wait, if all of you are here..... who's with the kids?" I asked, my eyes widening. Everyone else seemed to realize it as we all ran to the main hall, Error dropped the Sans and ran. Once we all returned to the main hall, I was petrified. The kids were stacking on top of each other, trying to reach the toppest shelve, where we his the chocolates. Horror, who was the main support, stumbled. We all gasped and Soriel grabbed Geno, Neko and Dance, who was on the top most. Ink grabbed Paper, Fresh, Reaper, Sans and Dust. Error grabbed Lust, Cross, Dream and Cloud. I grabbed Berry, Fell and Horror. Sans was beside Sansgore, Cherry was holding Little Sans. I sighed in relief.

"You kids are grounded for a week, no chocolate for you" I told them. They all whined as Soriel led them upstairs for stargazing. We decided to deal with Yandere Sans. We went to the kitchen, only to see him tied up in strings.

I crossed my arms and gave him the mean look. He shrank.

After a while of threats, YanSans agreed to help us out.

"I still have no idea why all these Sanses are popping up in our AU" Mafia sighed, banging his head on the table.

"I just want to go back" YanSans sighed.

"What if another child fell down? They will be so confused" Soriel gasped with teary eyes.

"Ughhh, I just hope the kid doesn't leave, I still need to gather all the souls" Sansgore said, stressed out. Soriel shot him a mean glare.

"Interesting" Nightmare said, floating behind me, close. I blushed in anget and annoyance and pushed his face away.

"Shut the fuck up" I hissed.

"Oh palice" he floated away with my push like a balloon with a sassy pose. With one eye twitching, I took out some thread and tied it to N's foot and the other end to the couch as kept floating like a balloon. The others laughed as N made a 'wtf' face.

"This is what you get" Ink laughed hard. And then, he vomited black ink, right on Error. I gagged a few times as other laughed.

"Ewww fucking disgusting you stupid bag of bones" Error let out an extremely colourful string of curses. I tolled my eyes with a smile on my face.

"Anyhow, I just can't shake off the feeling that something bad is about to happen" I spoke up, and everyone looked at me knowing I meant business.

"If that is true then we should get prepared. (N/n) is never wrong when it comes to instincts" Ink said, wiping his mouth.

"As much as I hate to admit it, Ink is right" Error wiped himself with my shirt that was lying astray.

"I am worried about the kids" Soriel looked at the little skeletons running around.

"I am only worried about my senpai" YanSans said.

"I know" I rolled my eyes.

"Well, you guys should be worried, Hacker has something big coming up for you guys" Nightmare tried to break the threes but failed as it cut his bone, making him wince.

"Since N won't be letting loose and information, we have to look out for ourselves" I said as I walked up to N and broke the thread.

"Do you think they want to kill us?" Error said with an abnormally giant grin on his face. Everyone made their creepy face as I jumped and his behind Nightmare, startled by the sudden change in their attitude.

"People, you are scaring your pal right here" Nightmare held me protectively. I glared at him but at the same time, clinged at him for comfort.

"Oh, sorry about that" Error looked worried.

"Yeah, we were just thinking" Soriel rubbed his forehead. I nodded with a sigh of relief. N let go and Error walked close to me. He rested his hand on my arm, making my heart calm down immediately and easing my conscience.

"Whatever it is, we must be fully attentive and wary at all times, one small slip up can become fatal for us" Mafia said.

"This isn't war pal" Ink made a indifferent face.

"But it isn't any less either" Nightmare said, chilling in mid air. I threw something at him, hitting his face and making him face with an expression of someone who has amnesia. He took the thing and that was when I noticed it was a bony arm.

I looked beside me to see it belonged to Ink and recoiled at his hollow expression.

Extended ending:

"I'm so sorry, I didn't knew it was your arm!" I panicked as Ink came closer to me, I was already cornered and the rest were out. Ink made his creepy face as tears welled up in my eyes. He walked even closer as I tried to back up in the wall, his paintbrush looked so diabolic right now. I never thought this would happen...

"Don't do this Ink! Please!" I looked around in panic. When I looked back at Ink, he was ready to swing that brush of his. And he did just that, my eyes widened in shock as I heard a splash. The colour red tainting my skin, my face paled as my breathing laboured, my vision became foggy.

Ink laughed, he laughed so hard that he fell on his back, the tears slid down from my eyes as I stared at him in shock.

"H-how could you?" I whispered meekly as I slid to knees, my legs unable to hold my weight.

"Good lord of all things graceful! You are such a good actor!" Ink laughed even harder. I puffed my cheeks in anger as I began crying, my body wet in red paint.

"Ink you cheat!! I hate you!!! You knew the paint is permanent!!! How am I supposed to clean of all this!?!?" I cried hard and suddenly, Ink was in front of me with a seductive look on his face.

"If you want, I can help you out with that" Ink's eyes had a spec of lust in them but it disappeared as soon as he kissed me. I sat there shocked out of my mind before Ink ran away laughing.

"You asshole!!! You kissed me!!! How dare you!?!?" I picked his paintbrush and chased after him in blind rage. Error when woke up, wasn't happy by hearing what I was shouting, so he helped me get revenge.

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