Chapter 2

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Kaoru/Buttercup POV

"Grr is it Monday already?" I complained

"Yeah!!, what other day would it be silly!!" giggled Miyako, She was making breakfast for her, Momoko, Kaishii and me. Miyako was wearing a short baby blue skirt with ruffles, a lacy tank top the same colour and wore baby blue high heels to match her eyes, her hair was blonde and was put up in its classic two piggy tails but her hair reached to her c-cup front. She was also wearing her blue Powerpuff ring

Momoko ran into the kitchen where Miyako and I were. Momoko wore pink short shorts and a light pink top that said 'nerdy chick' she wore little heels and her hair was put in its classic pony tail but her hair reached to her knees but it was the same colour, she was wearing her pink Powerpuff ring

"OMG we got to leave for school now!!" yelled Momoko as she grabbed our bags and handed them to us

"wait what about Kaishii" Miyako asked as we were dragged out the door

"we have no time" Momoko said as we raced to school, I was so flustered that I forgot about my skate board

Kai/Butch POV

After getting out of jail my brothers and I were required to attend high school and we were required to have secret identity's so that leads to me and my brothers walking to school, it's our first day and we were informed about the kind of classes the Powerpuff's would do, but like always we ignored Mojo and just chose the classes ourselves ,  I had all of the sport classes and I was asked to be in the sport teams as well, Masaki had debating and he was asked to join the student council, Makoto had to do Styling, art, pottery and poetry, Kiisu had music, dancing and was asked to join the drama nerds. I have short spikey blackish, greenish hair, I also have forest green eyes that hold danger and mischievousness, I am wearing black skinny jeans and a green V-neck shirt with green converse. Masaki has medium length jagged red hair that was covered with a red cap, he also had dark red eyes that resembles fire. Makoto has short blonde hair that was parted down the middle with cobalt blue eyes that was similar to the hue of the deep part of the ocean. Kiisu has black emo hair with a grey beanie on the back of his head, Kiisu's eyes were a pale shade of grey that showed no emotion.

I remember when we were younger and some little girl asked if we were able to label each other, well that is really easy; Masaki is over protective and bossy, Makoto is the goodie too shoes and the baby, Kiisu is quite and likes music and singing, I am quick to anger and sporty.

Suddenly when we reach a T in the road someone or something runs into us and I feel myself fall down on the concrete… CRAP!!!!!!!

Kai/Butch POV

Owwwwww my head really hurts, I groaned as I sat up and I looked around, at my feet was the person that had ran into me, it was a boy at least I think he is.

He had short blackish/greenish hair, he was wearing black tracksuit pants with a baggy black worn down top, he was also wearing black and lime green Nikes. He slowly opened his eyes, they were lime green. He looked confused and dazed for a moment, I quickly looked around for my brothers, they were all (apart from Kiisu) near really hot girls god dam it they get hot girls and I get an emo black haired boy run into me. I quickly returned my gaze back to the "boy"

Kaoru/Buttercup POV

Wow, one moment I was running to school with my sisters then one moment later I am on the ground, I was still debating if that had happened or not. I slowly opened my eyes to find myself lying flat on the hard concrete ground, I slowly sat up trying to remember what had happened. I looked up to a weird boy staring at me, he had forest green eyes

"what are you looking at weirdo" I said harshly to the boy

"at your ugly face" he said back, I was surprised that this guy could talk and that he just talked back at me and he had a really good comeback…and that he is kind of cute…. then I heard Momoko's scream

  Momoko/Blossom POV

"ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I screamed, the boy I ran into was on top of me, looking in my eyes while his hands were on my b-cup front. I felt my body heat up on the cold hard concrete. His eyes refocused and he came back from his daydream, his eyes widened at he stared at me them at what his hands were on. He instantly turned tomato red and he jumped off me backward and he landed on the ground again. His eyes captivated me, they were blood red; most fascinating

What the heck just happened…I looked around for my sisters , I saw Kaoru looking straight at me near a boy that could be mistaken as her twin, I looked to the other side of me and I saw Miyako sitting on the ground talking to the boy she ran into, who looked a lot like her. I quickly jumped up onto my feet and Kaoru jumped up as well and she walked to me, we both looked at Miyako who was too busy talking to the boy

"aaaaaaa, ummmmm i…I  a…mmm so so so…rry" someone behind me stuttered , I didn’t have to guess who it was, I turned and looked into his blood red eyes

"it's my fault, I shouldn't have been running" I smiled at him sweetly

Now, why was I running in the first place…….OMG SCHOOL!!!!

"oh crap, we've got to go" I yelled at my sisters, Miyako looked up at me and she joined me and Kaoru. I looked up at the boys (who by now had regrouped, with a guy who had black hair and a grey beanie; wait didn’t I see him before, wait I did he was with the other boys before we ran into them… I guess none of us hit him, lucky him..)

"sorry but we've got to go" I smiled and we ran off

Makoto/Boomer POV

Owwwww that hurt…

"are you ok" went a female worried voice

Great now I am dead, that voice must belong to an angel

"omg are you really dead?!?"" the voice went again but more frantic. I slowly opened my eyes; I was lying on my back and she was leaning over me. 'she' had a tiny waist, b-cup breasts and eyes that shone like the sky on a beautiful sunny day

"OMG you're ok" she said hugging me

"yea I guess I am…" I said sheepish, she suddenly broke the hug

"haha I hug you but I don’t even know your name" She said smiling. smiling

"ohh, haha my name is Makoto Jojo" I replied back with a smile

"my name is Miyako Utonium" she replied

Miyako/Bubbles POV

"oh crap, we've got to go" Momoko said to Kaoru and I. I stood up and walked over to her

"sorry but we've got to go" Momoko said to the boys with an apologetic smile, she directed the smile to the boy with the orange hair and blood eyes, I almost shuttered . But before I could she turned and started running towards school, I followed quickly so did Kaoru. We ran to school with our bags on our backs. I wonder if I will ever see him again, I just wish that hug never ended

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