Kicked out..

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-Prussia's POV-

"Damn it..." I hissed. I was standing in the summer rains since Roderich kicked me out again. 'Does he never feel pity?' I thought, shivering slightly and taking in my surroundings. "Geez, in the rain Roddy?" I wrapped my arms around my body as I sneezed. My surroundings were bare of any shelter, nothing to protect me from the rain. The only sort of protection being a nearby tree. I leant on the tree, it's leaves giving my some shelter for the rain. A shiver shook my whole body, I'm sure to get sick now.

Soon, a figure came out of the house with an umbrella. The masculine figure looking around before spotting me and walking over. He spoke with a soft voice "I can't believe I actually feel sorry for you..." I smirked and gave my signature laugh "kesesese~ who wouldn't feel sorry for the awesome me in the ra-" I was cut short as the other male smacked me upside the head. "That's enough from you.. Hurry up and get under here.." He moved the umbrella so there was room for two. I took this moment of pity and went under, allowing him to lead me back inside. Once inside, he handed me a nearby towel and told me to had a warm shower. I did as I was told and saw a pile of spare clothes in the bathroom.. "Geez, why is the piano guy being nice..." I had my shower and got changed into the spare clothes before walking into the living room.

He was there waiting for me, the rain pounding on the windows. I sat on the couch and sneezed. I grabbed a tissue and wiped my nose, throwing the tissue into a nearby bin. Roderich sighed and sat on the couch as well. "I can't believe I'm saying this.... Sorry, I was out of line.." Wait... Roddy is apologising? "Kesesese~ you can apologise all you want later.. For now I'm going to sleep.." I made myself comfortable on the couch and snuggled into the dry clothes I had on.. Soon, a blanket was thrown over me. "Stupid, you need a blanket..." Roderich was looking out the window at the rain so he didn't have to look at me... I looked away from him and snuggled into the blanket, so warm and fluffy..

-Austria's POV-

Soon after throwing that blanket on him, he fell asleep.. Why am I even apologising to him? It's not like he deserves it or anything... I looked at him and sighed. Strangely enough, he doesn't even look annoying when he sleeps. I gulped lightly and knelt next to the couch, hesitantly reaching out a hand and placing it gently on his head. His hair was slightly damp and fluffy from an attempt to dry it. I looked around the room and saw no one nearby. I lightly kissed the top of his head before standing up and stretching. I gave him a final look and headed to my room to get some sleep..

--the day after--

--3rd person POV--

Gilbert was looking out the window. The rain had stopped and the sun was peaking over the horizon, the sun's rays reflecting off the water droplets on the grass. He chuckled "the rain last night was so unlike summer.." Then he felt a pile of clothes hit him in the back, he turned around and saw Roderich in casual clothes. "Get changed you idiot.. We're going for a walk.." Gilbert looked at him in confusion then he shrugged. "Ok then. If you say so.." Gilbert walked off and got changed, walking back down into the living room. Roderich was casually drinking his coffee while waiting, finishing it just as Gilbert came down. "Roddy, I'm done.." Roderich turned to face him. "Good.. And don't call me Roddy...." He put his mug into the washing and walked to the front door. Opening it and smiling at the warmth the sun gave.

Soon, the two found themselves in the park, watching the little kids playing. Gilbert walked over to the kids and asked if they wanted to play. The little kids nodded enthusiastically as they scattered. One kid explaining that eyre playing tag before tapping Gilbert's leg and running. Gilbert jogged after them, laughing.. Roderich watched in awe at Gilbert's way with kids. Roderich chuckled lightly and looked around. "I can't believe I don't find him annoying at the moment... I wonder why.." He started thinking and had quickly spaced out.

Gilbert had looked over and noticed his spaced out expression. He smirked and walked over poking him in the side. "Why so spaced out Roddy?" Roderich jumped slightly and looked at him "don't poke me.." "What were you thinking about?" Prussia asked as he leant an arm on Roderich's shoulder. "Get off me Gilbert.." He muttered. Gilbert smirked and kissed his cheek"thanks for letting me stay last night. I'll be heading home." Roderich was frozen in place as Gilbert began walking away.

Once Roderich recovered, he looked in the direction that Gilbert was headed and smiled.. "Count yourself lucky, idiot." He shook his head slightly before walking home

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2014 ⏰

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