Chapter 1: New Freinds

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Harry had just gotten on the train to Hogwarts when he spotted an empty compartment and quickly pulled his trunk through the door along with Hedwig screeching in her cage. He sat there for a few minutes just starring out the window as the country side zoomed by when the door opened.

There stood a tall and freckled faced boy with red hair that seemed to be around Harry's age. "Um can I sit with you? All the other compartments are full." He asked him, "Sure." Harry replied and the boy made his way into the compartment.

They sat their for a few minutes in silence until the boy said,"I'm Ron by the way, Ron Weasley."
"I'm Harry, Harry Potter" Ron seemed quite shocked with this information because his eyes went wide and his asked in complete disbelief, "The Harry Potter?! With like the scar and everything?" Harry laughed a bit at the question and raised the bangs of his hair up to show Ron the lightning shaped scar on his forehead. "Wow!" Was Ron's only reply.

As the train continued on Harry and Ron began a conversation about what Hogwarts would be like, until the door to the compartment opened once again. Harry and Ron looked towards the door and saw a boy and a girl standing there. The boy had bright green hair and kind brown eyes, while the girl had bright cherry red hair that fell just below her shoulders and was obviously dyed, with gray eyes that seemed full of mischief.

Ron and Harry stared at them not quite sure what to say. They must have noticed this because the girl said," Hey some dude lost his pet toad on the train and we're trying to help him find it." They all remained where they were until the boy spoke saying,"Soo have you seen a toad anywhere?" Harry felt his face go red and quickly replied,"No sorry I haven't."

They turned to leave, but then the boy turned back around and said,"Where are my manners?! I am Teddy Lupin." He gestured to his friend with the cherry hair who seemed rather annoyed with him. "Don't be rude introduce yourself!" He said to her, she rolled her eyes and said," I'm Arra" Then added as if an afterthought, "Black." Then turned and left without a backwards glance, Teddy followed closely behind.

"What was that all about?" Ron asked, Harry just shrugged, the girl seemed unable to look at him though he didn't know why.


Outside the compartment door a few yards away Teddy and Arra were talking as the train rattled on. "Why did you make me tell them my name?" Arra said angrily. "Because you can't keep living a lie Arra! It'll drive you crazy it's time to face this!" They were both silent for a minute until Arra said,"Well there's no way that not Harry Potter. He looks just like that guy in the photo your dad showed us."
"Yeah James Potter. Just not his eyes he has his mothers eyes it seems."

Teddy and Arra made their way to their compartment only to find their seats taken by some Slytherin 3rd year snobs. So, since they had no other choice, they made their way back to Harry's and his friends compartment to sit.

They seemed rather surprised to see them as they walked in asked to sit with them. Though they quickly recovered, and then the two listened as Harry and the boy ,they learned his name was Ron, continued with the conversation they were having before. Which ended in Ron pulling out his wand and begin to try and cast a spell on his rat Scabbers to turn him yellow.

Harry was watching Ron as he began to wave his wand and was about to say an incantation, But was interrupted as the compartment door opened once again! And there stood a bushy haired girl and a worried looking boy. The girl quickly asked,"Neville-she gestured to the boy behind her-here, seems to have lost his toad. Have you by chance seen it anywhere?"
"Someone's already asked us, but no we haven't seen any toads." Ron answered. Then the girl noticed Ron's wand and said,"Doing a bit of magic? Well let's see it then."

Ron waved his wand and said the incantation which to Harry's ears, sounded quite ridiculous. And he guessed he was right to think it wasn't a real spell when he looked over and saw Arra and Teddy trying to hold in their laughter though they weren't doing such a great job. Also since the rat was still a dull gray color.

"I don't think that's a real spell." The girl said looking at Ron who's ears went red. "I'm Hermione Granger."
"Ron Weasley" Ron introduced himself while stuffing his face with sweets. "Pleasure." Hermione replied eyeing Ron with disgust as he tried to chew all the candy he had in his mouth.

"I'm Neville Longbottom." The boy missing his toad said. Harry turned to him and said "Hello, I'm Harry Potter." At this Neville looked at him as if he'd gone mad. "Wow you're THE Harry Potter?"
"That's me." Harry answered. "Wait till my grandmother hears about this!"

After everyone made their introductions they all began a conversation on what Hogwarts must be like. Arra, Teddy, and Ron knew the most. Or at least what they've been told that is, and after awhile Arra was able to relax more. And soon she was talking freely, and they found out she's actually very sarcastic and funny. Teddy was the same, the two had the whole compartment laughing. While they were laughing they noticed Teddy's hair change from a bright green to a bright blue. "Wicked!" Ron exclaimed as the rest of the compartment noticed the change in hair color. "How did you do that?" Ron questioned him, "I'm a metamorphmagus. My hair color tends to change to my emotions. Bright blue means happy, the green excited, though I prefer to keep my hair green so you never really know."

Soon they were only a few minutes from Hogwarts and they all went, and got changed in their robes. The girls separated from the boys of course. After that Hermione left the group and headed back to her compartment. "Finally she's gone!" Ron said in relief as the door shut.

Ok it's been a long time since I read this book, and because I had to add two new characters, I had to mix it with the movie a bit.

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