Chapter 4 A Terrible Potions Class

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Because no one knew who to point fingers at, except for Peeves the poltergeist, Arra and Teddy got away with all the mayhem they caused in charms class. Harry thought that all the shows that happened in their classes were over, but like he was last time. He was a ever so wrong, but this time they didn't do anything purposely.
The day started out perfectly normal,but as they got to potions class... let's just say it was very entertaining display for some Slytherins. As they walked in the dungeon classroom, Professor Snape regarded the Gryffindors with disdain as he always did. Though the students simply ignored him and went to their seats. Today they were going to be taught how to properly use the burner so as to not over or under heat their potions, and not cause injury. The class was going fine with only a few snide remarks form Snape since you really can't go wrong with a simple burner. But that all changed when Arra got a bit to close to the fire under her caldron, the sleeve of her robe just barley touched the flames, but it was to late to stop it.
Arra Blacks school robes had caught fire. She began to panic, waving her arm around in a feeble attempt of putting the fire out, which Teddy quickly took notice of. But when he moved to try and get some water to put it out, Arra went into a full frenzy. She ran about the classroom with the sleeve of her robe in flames, her arms above her head as she waved them widely about hoping to put the fire out, and if matters couldn't get worse. Teddy chased after her trying to extinguish the fire, which caused Snape to become furious. Most teachers would attempt to calm Arra down and put the fire out, but not the Gryffindor hating Snape! All he did was throw a glass of water at Arra that completely missed her arm and hit her full in the face.
At this point Neville Longbottom had gotten out of his seat to try and help Teddy catch Arra, who was now running faster than ever. The fire was up to her shoulder now, and she was running close to Harry's seat, so he quickly sprung out of his chair, and tackled Arra to the ground. Teddy quickly tried to put out the fire by hitting it with his school bag, which luckily wasn't flammable, and Neville ran to get some water. Harry had to sit on Arra's legs to try and stop her from moving, and to anyone who walked in just then, this would be quite the odd scene with Harry on top of her and Teddy hitting her.
Luckily after a few moments, Neville rushed in with water and the rest of the flames were gone. Soon Arra was able to calm down, but she was overcome with embarrassment. For one, she freaked out in potions. Two, she messed up one of the easiest lessons by getting set on fire, and three Harry Potter was sitting on top of her and Teddy Lupin had to chase her around the classroom.
The Slytherins were in stitches, and even some Gryffindors were trying to stifle their laughter. Though Snape was utterly furious, "Miss Black, how is it that you manage to mess up while simply learning about burners!?" He hissed with venom, Arra's face went bright red as the whole class turned toward her with judgmental eyes. "It was my sleeve sir, it was to close to the burner." Arra said avoiding everyone's eyes, and simply looking at the ceiling since she was still on the floor. Harry snapped back to reality, and realized he was still setting on her legs. He got up quickly, and stepped back a bit which only caused the Slytherins to laugh louder. "Get up Black." Snape said, Arra slowly got up off the floor, the sleeve of her robe made it evident that the fire had burned off most of the arm of her robes.
"This, is what we have as the last descendent of the most Noble and Ancient house of Black." Snape began,"A foolish girl who can't even set a burner right!" He said the last part as if he just found a dungbomb in his office. "And it seems as if Mr.Potter, Lupin, and Longbottom must come to her rescue. Potter also seemed rather comfortable on top of Miss Black." Harry could feel his face burn with embarrassment, and anger. 'Of course he would bring this to me! I never thought he would do so that way though!' Arra's jaw dropped at what he said, and Teddy looked ready to murder Snape, Neville was deep in thought and didn't seem to catch what he said.
But across the room it looked as if Christmas had come early for the Slytherins. Draco Malfoy was grinning evilly at Harry, no doubt he was planning on telling everyone that Harry Potter had thrown himself on Arra Black, and only that part of the story too. Neville finally came out of his thoughts, and saw what was going on. His eyes seemed to flash angrily and he quickly crossed the room to his seat, "Not so fast Longbottom." Snape said as he saw Neville, but he didn't stop. He marched up to his seat, and turned back to Snape just in front of his caldron. "Don't think you are being excluded in this Longbottom." Neville looked at Snape, and Harry couldn't believe his eyes. The normally subdued, clumsy,and forgetful boy seemed gone for a moment. Neville looked at Snape and said, "Wouldn't dream of it. Just thought I should play a better part of it." He then stuck his arm backwards, right into the burner setting his sleeve on fire. Then, ran around the classroom knocking over potions until finally sticking his arm in a basin of water.
Everyone was so shocked, they didn't know what to do. Snape spoke first. "Get out of my sight!" He yelled, looking at all the Gryffindors currently standing up, Harry looked at Ron who looked both scared, and resentful as he looked at Snape. Before Snape could go on Ron jumped up and announced, "If their going, I'm going to!" Which Snape was happy to do. As they scurried out of the dungeons, they heard Snape say "And sixty points from Gryffindor! Ten for each of those that had gotten out of their seats, and ten extra for Longbottom's display of utter stupidity!" The group of Gryffindors could hear their housemates groan as the points were taken away, and the Slytherins cheer as they walked along the dungeon corridors.
They walked in silence until Arra said, "I'm sorry guys, if I hadn't gotten so close to the burner or-"
"No Arra, you shouldn't blame yourself for what happened. Anyone would have freaked out if they were on fire! I would say you were crazy if you hadn't!" Harry told her and the others nodded in agreement. "Well we just got sixty points taken away from Gryffindor, everyone's gonna hate us now!" Ron said, everyone seemed to be thinking the same thing since no one bothered to tell him to not make Arra feel bad. Though it was evident she already was.
Teddy was examining her arm when he looked at Neville and asked, "Neville, if you mind me asking why did you do that back there?" His hair had became purple, meaning he was utterly confused. Neville seemed slightly startled by this, and Teddy quickly explained that he was a metamorphigus and his hair changes color to match his mood.
"Oh!... Well you see... When we first arrived and I fell into the lake... Arra took most of the embarrassment by doing the same thing... But making more of a show out of it. So I decided to pay back the favor, and try to help." It was clear he was slightly embarrassed by this, his cheeks had become the color of pink roses. It worsened when Teddy's hair turned blue, the color for gratitude. Even more so when Arra slung her arm across his should and said, "Thanks dude. I can really count on you!" To save Neville, Harry said, "Arra you might want to get that arm checked out. You too Neville. You were on fire only moments ago."
"That's an excellent idea Harry! You do have some minor burns on your arm Arra." Teddy stated, his hair then turning to a light shade of orange, for worry. "Don't be like that Teddy! I've had worse injuries than this! Remember when I tried to jump into that stream from a high rock, not realizing it was only two inches deep?" She started laughing, and Harry noticed her laughter sounded strangely like a bark. Though Teddy didn't seem to find it funny.
"Arra, I'll escort you to the hospital wing myself if I have to." But this didn't sit right with Arra. "I don't need you to help me with everything. I can manage to do some things on my own. I don't need you to be my knight in shining armor." With this she stalked off into the upper corridors.
"Um... Arra?" Ron said hesitantly, "What?!" Arra barked back. "... The hospital wing is the other way..."
"Damn it!" Arra exclaimed as she began walking the other way. "Are all the girls mental in this bloody school!" Ron said as Arra stalked off. "Normally not Arra." Teddy muttered as he watched her go.
Please tell me what you think in the comments!! I hope you enjoyed, I tried to be funny but if it didn't work just tell me!!!

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