Tobi Lexington

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Name: Tobi Lexington

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 19

Looks (Picture/None): Side

Wears (Picture/None): Large sweaters, designer shirts or polo tank-tops, ripped jeans and brown leather boots, mittens outside and her scarf.

Crush: No one.

Relationship Status: Single

Backstory: Tobi's father was a drunk cheat so she played a lot of guys through high school and never found the one. She did only because she thinks all men are the same and hasn't tried to learn otherwise. She graduated with no scholarship and work part time at a grocery store and at Hot Topic.

Other: She is a flirt and whenever she is trying to think of ways to approach someone she whistles, if anyone asks why she is whistling her response is always. "I whistle while I work it."

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