OC point of View

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Hey, guys, this next poem is from the point of view as one of my OCs. His name is also Ren but that's just cause Ren is the name I would have if I didn't need to worry about my name looking like a normal name. And usually, when I'm online I go by the name Ren except for YouTube and Wattpad. Every other sight my name is Ren Wilson. It's what I would call myself if I could pull it off

Anyway, this poem is from the point of view of him. A self-identifying "Man in a dress". In other words, he identifies as a Cis Gay man but feels more comfortable presenting as a female. 

This is a poem he wrote for an RP I'm in on how he doesn't feel welcome in the LGBT community as many refer to him as a 'transtrender' even though he has never claimed to have a gender other than Cisgender or with a Cishet community as many of them see cross-dressing as he does as being a sexual deviant or that he is going to hell. And how he found a happy little bubble he can truly feel at home in.

Morbidity of Rejection to the Happiness of Acceptance.

When the roads in front seem so wrought with thorns

To rip away what you have built, using anger and scorn.

Many people travel and navigate with ease.

They don't seem to have trouble to appease

I could choose a way.

Give up my free say.

Agree and obey.

Let the darkness consume.

Live in the gloom.

I could give in.

I could give up.

But hold on let's backup.

Perhaps as others run

I can just say I'm done.

Find myself a new path.

 One without so much wrath

While others tend the thorns

I will build a new path without hate.

Whether you are left or right there you have the trait

The trait of hate that cannot be.

Or you'll never be free.

But in my dress and a smile with my own name.

I refuse to play your game.

With no shame.

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