Chapter 7: Emerald Forest Part 1

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It was a nice peaceful day in Emerald Forest. The warm sun, the soothing chirping birds, everything was as peaceful as can be...until a certain red reaper flew through a bird, killing it.

Ruby: Birdy, no!!!

Poor Ruby had no time to mourn over the poor bird, as she had to make her landing. With precise timing and skill with her Crescent Rose, she managed to pull it off. As soon as she hit the ground, she ran forward. She had no idea where she was going, but she knew she was going somewhere.

Ruby: (Gotta find Yang! Gotta find Yang! Gotta find Yang! Gotta find...!) Yang?! Yang!!! (Oh, what if I can't find her?! Who else is there? Well, there's Jaune! He's nice! And friendly! But I don't think he's good in a fight...Oh, what about Blake? So mysterious, so cool...but I doubt I can hold a conversation with her. I'm sure she would get along with that Seth guy. Alright, who's next? Yang, Jaune, Blake...Hyde! He's like Jaune and Blake in one package! He's friendly AND cool! He even has their hair colors mixed together! Okay, finding Hyde is my first priority! Wait, wasn't it Yang?)

Before she could question it, she saw someone in her way and came to a screeching halt. She slowly rose her head to meet the eyes of who she just ran into. And as fate would have it, it was Weiss. Wow, the universe REALLY hates her. Well, it seems Weiss isn't exactly happy with this either, seeing as she just walked away without saying a word.

Ruby: Wait, come back! We're supposed to be teammates...

Weiss was NOT having a good day. Just the day before she almost gets blasted off the face of Remmant and got insulted by some delinquent, and NOW the one responsible for her near death experience is supposed to be her partner for the next four years?! Nope, never in a million years! Literally anyone was better than that dolt!

Jaune: H-hey, Snow Angel! A little help?!

She rose her head to see Jaune, pinned to a tree in midair by a spear, undoubtedly Pyrrha's. Without another word, she turned around and walk away. She stand corrected.

Weiss: *grabs Ruby by the hood and drags her off* Don't think this makes us friends.

Ruby: *raises arms in cheer* You came back!

Jaune, however, was still on the tree.

Jaune: H-hey, wait!

Pyrrha: Hi Jaune!

The blonde dork saw the red haired spartan looking up at him.

Pyrrha: Still have room on the winning team?

Jaune: Oh, very funny...

*Meanwhile, with Hyde*

Hyde was currently taking on some Beowolves by himself. He fired a Black Orbitar and made it explode with Dark Lotus, taking two down at once. With only one left, he sliced it in two with a Red Clad Craver.

Hyde: Alright, that should be it for now...

He suddenly heard some growling coming from behind. He turned around to see more Beolwolves jump at him, only for them to be sliced to pieces by Yuzuriha.

Yuzuriha: Honestly, what would you do without me?

Hyde: Y-Yuzu!

Yuzuriha: Guess we're partners! I'd recognize that EXS of yours anywhere.

Hyde: Right back at you.

They then heard some gun shots and what sounded like an angry girl screaming in the distance.

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