Valentine's Day Special

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*I know this is late as hell, but better late than never. I definitely flunked my most recent test, but in exchange I get information on the new Pokémon games and the Megaman Battle Royal Death Batle got uploaded on YouTube. So in a way, it kinda balances out? Anyway, I'll try to make this entertaining, at least. So please, enjoy!*

Valentine's Day.

A holiday dedicated to celebrating love and friendship, and an excuse to eat more treats than one would normally consume. Yes, it was that time of the year. Ozpin didn't mind the holiday, as many people, students and staff alike, set up the usual pink and red ornaments across the halls and classrooms. He was never against the idea of his students taking a moment to relax and enjoy life, and this was certainly no different. It was a romantic time of year, one that people of any and all ages could enjoy equally. There was also free sweets, so that was a nice bonus.

Our young heroes were currently helping get into the spirit of the holiday around the cafeteria. It wasn't much, just decorating the tables a bit with those super thin blanket thingies (you know the ones) and a few hearts on the wall. It wasn't the busiest place to decorate, but it was definitely spacious. Plus, most of the classrooms were already decorated enough.

Ruby: Alright, teams! We should be done soon, so let's take 5!

Some sighed in relief, some stretched a bit to get rid of a couple of cramps, and others just straight out sat on a chair.

Hyde: I gotta say, I wasn't expecting all of Beacon to help with the decorations. Even Professor Goodwitch pitched in.

Ren: To be fair, her semblance makes decorating the roofs and high areas much easier.

Yang: And besides, it's Valentine's Day! Even she would get a little excited!

Yuzuriha: So, do any of you have a Valentine?

Nora: Well, Ren and I are going to be together on Valentine's Day! I mean, together as friends! Not "together" together! That'd be weird! Right, Ren?

Ren: *blushes and sighs* Yes, Nora. It would be very weird.

The group laughed at the sight, whereas Blake smiled and Seth looked slightly amused. It was obvious that the two of them had chemistry together, otherwise they wouldn't be such close friends. Some of them wondered when those two would become an item. Nora seemed the most likely to ask the big question, but she was also surprisingly nervous when someone would ask her about it. Ren on the other hand, while more reserved, never seemed to give it much thought. He just rolled with Nora's antics, although he occasionally showed some additional emotion when Nora said something embarrassing.

Jaune: I don't really have one. During my previous Valentine experiences, my sisters gave the worst advice possible.

Yang: Wow, Vomit Boy. I didn't know you had sisters. No brother or anything?

Jaune: I was the only son of 8 children.

There was a moment of silence as everyone stared at the blond dork in shock. Even Seth showed more surprise than he usually did. The only son of 8 children, raised alongside 7 sisters? Seven sisters which would undoubtedly tease, prank and mess with him on a regular basis? The guys had a newfound respect for Jaune, as very few men could grow up with 7 girls, 8 including his mother, and try to have some masculinity left. Sure, he didn't have any, but he still tried. That alone took willpower.

Jaune: Yeah, I get that reaction a lot. But back to the previous topic, I doubt I'll get one in time.

The others could only look at Pyrrha glaring at Jaune's back with a look that screamed: "Notice me!" 

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