II. there's a dead body

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I dropped my bag with a muffled thud and stood frozen in spot, staring in disbelief ahead of me at what was in front of my apartment. The clouds had turned gray and rain poured down not too long ago. I didn't bring an umbrella so I used my backpack as shelter and trudged home. I had no Mama, nor Papa, to wait for me at home, so I didn't care if I got wet or was late to return.

What I did wonder, however, was who the hell was at the front of my door? Soaking wet now that my backpack was carelessly tossed on the ground, I cautiously advanced towards the dark body laying limp on the stone ground. I searched the man's body and found that he wore a dark hoodie with baggy camouflage pants. A bit of his black tank top was seen, which also exposed several deep wounds and cuts in his body. Damp hair hid his face and features, but the rest of his body seemed well-fit and healthy.

So why was this man dead? I tried nudging him awake, taking caution of probably hurting him if he was alive. He didn't respond. I tried to regain my breath as I wiped rainwater off my eyes to see for a quick moment where his chest was. Soon, I leveled my body down and pressed my ear to his stomach. He was barely breathing.

My hands quickly came out and I placed two fingers adjacent his nose. Yep, still alive. Silently grunting, I placed my fingers firmly around his shoulders and began dragging his body through my front door. "Why... is there... a dead... man... in front of... my house?" I grumbled and panted when trying to support the heavy weight of the body.

Once he was inside, miraculously might I add, and placed head leaning against the couch's backside, I turned on the lights and rushed back outside in the rain to grab my backpack. When I straightened up and glanced at where the strange man had been laying, I saw flushed blood and small metal debris.

A frown made its way to my face and I snapped my head left and right down the neighborhood, trying to make sense of it all. I cursed under my breath when I found no clue as to why the man was in such a state and slowly retreated back inside the comfort of my apartment, double checking the front door was locked before I turned back around to face the stranger in my living room.

I eyed him suspiciously in my soaked state. I tossed my backpack next to the front door before proceeding to take off my coat. I felt something drop inside and fast reflexes enabled me to catch it and realize it was the folder the official had entrusted to me. Eyes widening at how soaked it was, I was about to pull it completely out to examine its state when I heard a low grumble from behind me.

The folder was shoved back inside my coat and I buttoned it up quickly, feeling uncomfortable at how soggy my entire body felt.


I turned around with startled eyes and gazed at the man beginning to breath properly after a series of coughs to clear his dry throat.

"So you speak English," I replied lightly, walking over and crouching down to check his face. The mysterious man was still trying to stabilize his breathing and I waited patiently for him to get words out, glancing at the new angles of his body for new wounds. He spoke up again and got my attention back to his hair-covered face.

"Where... am I?" he whispered. I could tell it was difficult for him to speak. Just those three words made him pant uncontrollably. I quickly looked up and around to confirm it was my place.

"You're safe," I said with a thin line forming on my lips, "I hope. Unless someone sent you after me for some damn reason, I'll be forced to murder you."

The man looked up and I caught a glimpse of his eyes, but the lower part of his face was now somewhat visible. He's... handsome. The distraction didn't prepare me for what he said next, however.

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