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"SHE RETIRED?" came a sullen male's voice that resonated profoundly within the vehicle. Pierce angled his head down at the man with tussled blonde locks and dark-ringed eyes. His cheeks sunk in so evidently that the bones and jaw were clearly defined, indicating that he hadn't been eating well for months now. His complexion turned a sick color ever since they dived into his sensitive topic.

"I had a word with her a while back," Pierce eyed the side of the man's face with a deep furrow. "She didn't attend the funeral."

His ride escort nodded soundlessly to himself as he shut his eyes and muttered a few prayers. "Did she say anything to you?" The man opened his eyes again to pull the car to a stop at a red light.

Pierce folded his arms. He tilted his chin up as he rested his eyes. "God, I can't believe I'm playing messenger with you people. No, she didn't. But I did find out that Lennon's pursuing a similar career to my teammate, Kenya. I got them in touch and that's what she's been doing while Carter's on his new assignment."

The eerie silence crawled along the walls and  seeped into the skins of the dead and the undead. After the car had revved into motion again and taken a swift turn that veered it away from civility, Pierce stared straight in front of him with tight lips. "What are you going to do now, Damond? You can't keep pretending you're dead forever. You're a coward if you can't own up to your guilt."

That one night at the deranged couple's mansion was full of mysteries that were still unsolved. There had been a dead body in the basement. A ticking bomb inside a four year old girl on the top floor. Terrorizing goons barricading the property. The dead body belonged to Agent O's, and it had been laying face-down in a pool of blood.

They never looked at the body carefully. The one that they picked up to bury for Damond's funeral belonged to one of the assailants that were keeping him tied up and video-taping his torture for Lennon to see. Axel, on the other hand, had been saved by K2's men after they've met the first time Pierce was recruited away from the agency.

Ever since surviving his close fate, Axel had been residing at a private sector away from society. No one knew he was alive besides K2's team and the one agent in this world who didn't ask to be involved.

With a dark scoff, the hands on the stirring wheel tightened as Axel shot his nemesis a glare. "One does not simply come back from the dead. My guilt is my own to deal with, so fuck out of it. I thought out of everyone in this fucked-up world, you'd understand that."

Pierce's eyes flickered to the front mirror as it flared a baleful warning in the air. "Bring her in one more time," he growled. "And I'll gladly finish what your so-called Chestin started."

"Unlike Carter— who I already hate— I hope you know that I absolutely despise your being all the way down to your bloody organs." The hacker laughed dryly, swerving the car with extra thrust. "You're the reason Jamie came back to the agency after two years of leaving her first mission."

"I thought you had issues with Carter, why the fuck am I in your story?"

"I have issues with everyone, son. I worked the action behind the scenes," Axel finally released a stressed smirk. "Everyone's fucked up."

"Request to set you up on a blind date with Osias." Pierce shook his head defiantly. "You people cuss like sailors on crack."

"A doctor shouldn't be talking like that about his client, Easton." The hacker pursed his lips and whistled, knowing that he hit a nerve in the agent.

Pierce's brows twitched. "I don't remember being a real one. And he's a teammate, not a client."

"Doesn't matter. I hope you don't yap like that when we get to my place."

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