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Author's Note: So, I got this idea from listening to the song "Nicest Thing" by Kate Nash and instead of writing a long song imagine i thought why not do a mini-series? This is the prologue. The series will be 7-10 parts. Message or comment if you want more. Enjoy loves xxx M

"Hey Y/N, is Harry around?"

"What?" I asked, looking up from tying my Nike's shoes to an old acquaintance of mine.

"Is Harry around?" Kendall asked me.

"Oh, hi" I said to her. "Umm, yeah he is. I last saw him helping the crew clean up"

"Thanks Y/N" Kendall said to me. "Great seeing you again"

"Ah, no problem!" I said to her as she walked away from me. "And you too!"

She didn't say anything back. She probably didn't hear me but then again, she never says anything to me each time they meet up. I got used to people like her treating me as if I were invisible. I was pretty sure I was invisible my whole life. Well, except when Harry notices me. It's a long story really.

Harry and I met in the summer of 2015. Basically, we were introduced to each other when I helped with One Direction's last album. I helped was the assistant creative director for their album photoshoot. I did meet all the boys and it was a pleasure to work with them. They were all very polite and nice, Harry especially. I needed some nice at that time. I was going through a dark time with my family at that time. So, I was lucky to work with him.

We had a few small talks when we worked together. Nothing significant though. It was only work. I think the most nicest thing he did for me was walking me to my car. Nothing more happened than that. The last time we talked was at the album release party. For a second when I worked with him I thought maybe in the future we could be together. I was stupid for thinking that really. We were never each other's types. Him spending Christmas on a yacht with Kendall proved it. We were only, at most, friends.

I was happy I didn't hear from him afterwards. Time helped me forget about my feelings for him. He was gone working on his solo album while I worked on small projects. I thought I would never hear from him again. In fact, I believed he forgot about me. Thats why I was so surprised when he did call me a year later for his album photoshoot.

Saying yes to his offer was the best and worst decision I made. Best, because I have become closer to him. Worst, because I love him. I love him and it was too late to say it to him. This was the last time I was going to walk past him. This was the last time I was going to see him.

I zipped up my sweater and carried my small backpack on my back. I walked towards the nearest exit of the arena. I took a glimpse of Harry as I walked. He looked like an angel. He shined like one. His green eyes glowed bright as he smiled. His cheeks were rosy. He looked like a dream. He was happy with her.

He was looking at Kendall.

I looked away from them and walked out of the arena. I made my way through backstage and managed to leave the building without bumping into other people. I slid off my bag as I walked to my car in the parking lot. I opened my bag and started to search for my keys, not paying any attention to the ground. I stepped on a small rock, tripping on it. I fell down, head planting the hard cement. I started to feel pain and pressure quickly radiate in my forehead and cheeks. I pushed myself to sit up on the ground with my arms.

"I'm alright!" I said out loud as I sat up.

I looked around the parking lot, remembering no one was near. No one was going to pay attention to me anyway. I was invisible. Will be forever.

I touched my lips feeling as if they were wet. I looked down at my fingers, seeing blood on them.

"Fuck" I cursed at myself. "Fuck"

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