Chapter 2

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I looked up to see who it was only to get lost into the person's warm, luring brown orbs. I couldn't look away, no matter how much I tried and she didn't look away either. She was beautiful. Her blonde hair gracefully cascading down to her elbows with an elegant top hat sitting on top. The corner of her lips twitched up slightly, showing off her dimple and imprinting the unforgettable image of her smile into my mind. She had a cleft chin making her seem almost innocent but her smirk showed that she wasn't.

"Hi" she shouted over the loud music with a raspy, yet soft, angelic tone snapping me out of my thoughts.

I blushed realising that I had been staring and prayed that she didn't notice it.

"Um HEY" I yelled back blushing like an idiot and earning a light laugh from her. Her laugh, how can I describe it? Her laugh was the kind of contagious laugh that can make everybody around her join in the laughter without even knowing what she was laughing at to begin with. When she chuckled at me, I couldn't help but smile.

She stepped closer to me, leaning in so that we didn't have to shout on top of the music.

"I'm Demi" she introduced herself while handing me the drink that I was reaching for.

"Lauren" I smiled back and thanked her for the drink.

She nodded and instead of telling me that she'd see me later and walk away-which was what I was expecting- she leaned into my ears so that the music wouldn't drown out her voice.

"Did you come here with anyone?"

I shivered at the contact of her breath on my neck and almost didn't hear her question but I somehow managed to reply casually.

"Yeah, I came with a friend. I'm supposed to be meeting somebody here but I'm not looking forward to it. My friend wouldn't stop nagging me so I ended up agreeing to come" I chuckled remembering the amount of times that Livia begged me to come to this party.

"Oh good! You two have met already!" I turn around to see Livia smiling at me and the next thing I know, she's pulling me into a hug and whispers

"That's the girl I was telling you about." and pulled away from the hug giving me a knowing look.

Oh shit. That's her! She's beautiful and I just basically told her that Livia forced me to meet her. Uh god, what if I've ruined it?!

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