Chapter 3

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Turning my attention back to Demi, I caught a hint of hurt in her eyes. In order to fix this, I had to play my cards right.

"Well, I didn't know that I'd be meeting you though" I said as smoothly as I could. Woah, I don't normally try to impress girls like this, what am I even doing?

A smile played on her lips and that answered my question. I would do anything to make this girl smile. Livia then excused herself making up an excuse about having to go look for Ashton or something. I wasn't really paying attention to be honest. My full attention was now on Demi. My eyes wondering up and down her body taking in her attire. Her short, black dress outlined her curves perfectly making her look sexy, yet classy.

"Do you want to dance?" I asked surprised at my own words.

"Of course! I love this song!" She replied while taking my hand and leading me to the dance floor.

She then turned around so that she was facing me and I automatically wrapped my arms around her waist as she put her's on my shoulders.

We danced for a while swaying back and forth. I kept hearing her faintly singing along to the song and I couldn't help but smile. Thinking Out Loud was one of my favourite songs and hearing her singing it with her soothing voice made me love the song even more.

"Your voice is amazing" I whispered in her ear and felt her shiver slightly.

"Um thanks.. I didn't think you could hear me.." Seeing her shy was overwhelmingly adorable.

I was thinking about how this girl could go from confident and sexy one minute to shy and cute the next when her soft voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Why are you smiling so much?" She asked making me blush for the second time that night. The effect that she has on me is undeniable. It's been what? An hour, and she's already got me wrapped around her little finger. I would honestly do anything for this girl to hear her laugh or simply see her smile.

"I'm just thinking..." I reply as casually as I could as she took my hand again and lead me towards the back of the house. I didn't resist because I didn't care where we were going as long as I was with her. Demi... Her name suites her.. It's probably just a nickname though I'll ask her about it later.

We stepped outside of the house and into the garden. It was pretty dark so almost everybody was inside the house. Demi guided me to the far end of the garden where the music coming from the party was now nothing but a quiet murmur and she laid down on the grass looking up at the stars.

"Join me" she ordered with a small smile while patting the ground next to her before focusing her attention back to the sky.

I obliged, laying down next to her and catching her scent. She smelt like vanilla and I felt myself smiling again. Nobody's ever made me smile this much before and my muscles were getting sore from unconsciously smiling at the little things that she does but I didn't mind.

"Why did you come outside?" I asked breaking the comfortable silence.

"I just needed some fresh air... It's nice out here isn't it? I could stay here all night.." She trailed off closing her eyes for a while.

"Yeah, it is" I popped myself onto my elbow so that I could get a clear view of we. Her relaxed face and her closed eyes gave her an angelic look and her chest lazily moving up and down made her look so calm that if I didn't know better, I would've thought she was sleeping.

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