the water park | chapter fifteen

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Sebastian Pov
I get up and decide to text Lyssa

The convo
Me) hey do you want to go to the water park
lyssa ❤) with the group?
Me) no just us
Lyssa❤) are you asking me on a date
Me) kinda so yes or no
Lyssa❤) yes
Me) k I'll come get you at 12:00?
Lyssa❤) ok
Me) bye
Lyssa❤) bye
End of convo

Lyssa's Pov
L: OMG De: what L: Sebastian asked me on a date De: OMG what did you say L: yes i have to tell Gracie

The convo
Me) Gracieee
Gracie) whattt
Me) Sebastian asked me on a date
Gracie) omg you said yes right
Me) ya
Gracie) where were are you going
Me) the water park
Gracie) oh fun
Me) ya
Gracie) well have fun
Me) I will
Gracie) bye
Me) bye
End of convo

Sebastian Pov
I start to get ready then Oliver comes O: what are you doing today S: taking Lyssa on a date O: where S: we are going to the water park O: I can give you a ride S: ok thanjs O: well have fun S: will then I put in my swim trunks

11:30Sebastian Pov I start to get ready then Oliver comes O: what are you doing today S: taking Lyssa on a date O: where S: we are going to the water park O: I can give you a ride S: ok thanjs O: well have fun S: will then I put in my swim trunks

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Lyssa's Pov
L: help me find my cutest swim suit De: ok we look through my swim suits De: this one wear this one L: ok so I put on my swim suit

Lyssa's Pov L: help me find my cutest swim suit De: ok we look through my swim suits De: this one wear this one L: ok so I put on my swim suit

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Then I get a message from Sebastian

The convo
Sebastian) are you ready to go
Me) ya
Sebastian) ok be there in a second
Me) how are we getting there
Sebastian) Oliver
Me) ok
End of convo

I put on my swim suit cover and walk down stairs and Sit on the couch then I hear a knock and I walk to the front door S: hey you ready L: ya lets go we go to the car and get in O: hey Lyssa L: hey Oli

Sebastian Pov
We get to the water park and walk to the desk W: alright how can I help you S: two day passes please W: alright $35 S: alright L: Seb I can pay for myself S: no I got it I hand the worker the money W: here's your wrist bands S: thank you then we go find a spot for our stuff then we go to this water slide

Lyssa's Pov We get on the water slide and start to go L: ahhh  scream S: it's ok he grabs my hand from the other side if the tube L: ok we get off the water slide and I wrap my arms around Sebastian he wraps his arms around me S: lyssa its ok L: o...

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Lyssa's Pov
We get on the water slide and start to go L: ahhh  scream S: it's ok he grabs my hand from the other side if the tube L: ok we get off the water slide and I wrap my arms around Sebastian he wraps his arms around me S: lyssa its ok L: ok then we go on some simple slide then we go so nachos and then we went on some more slides

Sebastian Pov
We start packing up are stuff and we go to the car we drive to Lyssa's house and S: I'll walk home Oliver O: k are you sure S: ya

Lyssa's Pov
We walk up to my front door and Sebastian follows me L: hold on I open the door and see my dad sitting on the couch L: follow me I walking the door and tell him to go  up the stairs I run up them so he can't here Sebastian we go to my room and I lock the door L: I need to take a shower and if my dad finds out your in the house he'll kill us S: so should I go L: No you have to sit in the bathroom S: what No

Sebastian Pov
L: just trust me we walk in to her bathroom and  then she opens a door L: in S: oh ok I go in the closet and I here the water start then I here music start And Lyssa starts singing aww I think to my self about 10 minutes later the water stops

Lyssa's Pov
I get out of the shower and get dressed I put on a big hoodie and shirts then I go let Sebastian out of the closet S: can I change in your bathroom L: ya of course  he goes in the bathroom so I hide in the closet he walks back in and he looks around then I sneak up behind him and scare him We lay on my bed and watch a show on Netflix called the 100 D: Lyssa dinners done L: ok you wait here S: ok I walk down stairs L: dad can I eat in my room I dont feel good D: ya I go to the kitchen and make two tacos and go back to my room

Sebastian Pov
Lyssa walks in and locks her door L: I made you a taco S: thanks she plays the show and eat our tacos then it gets late


Lyssa's Pov
S: Lyssa it 9:30 I have to go L: ok i'll walk you out we walk down the stairs my dad was sitting on the couch L: go out the door D: what are you doing L: looking at the stars D: ok hurry L: ok I walk out and shut the door behind me I wrap my arms around Sebastian's neck and put my head on his chest and he wraps his arms around my waist and we stand there for like three minutes S: can we hang out again soon L: ya best friend I say teasing him S: ok L: text me when you get home so I know you made S: ok I will he say walking down the side walk I walk back in D: she any cool stars L: ya I seen a shooting star D: that's cool L: ya I walk to my room and turn off the tv then I walk to the room Dezzi's

Dezzi's  pov
I hear a knock on my door so I go open it and see Lyssa De: alright spill the tea L: so I snuck him in and then I took a shower and I made him sit in the closet then we watched the 100 and ate our tacos De: that's it L: ya De: wow boring L: whatever

Lyssa's Pov
I walk back to my room my room and go to bed

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