I'm leaving| the last chapter

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*1 week later*

Sebastian Pov
I wake up and and go down stairs
And eat breakfast then I got a text from my manager

The convo
Manager) Sebastian I need to talk to you and Oliver
Me) ok in person?
Manager) yes when can we meet
Me) anytime today
Manager) ok can we meet at starbucks around 4:00
Me) ok I'll talk to Oliver
Manager) ok see you then
End of convo

Oliver's room
Sebastian walks in S: so we have to meet our manager today at starbucks around 4:30 O: ok then Sebastian walks out

Lyssa's Pov
I get out of bed and take a shower
And put on some comfy clothes then I go down stairs and have some yogurt and strawberries then I go upstairs and lay on my bed and watch The 100


Sebastian Pov
I get ready and go to Oliver's room
S: Hey are you ready O: ya S: let's go O: ok we leave and walk to Starbucks we go in and get some drinks and Sit at a table

Oliver's pov
We are talking when I see our manager O: hi S: hi M: hello so I have some news S: alright M: So you guys are going on tour O: omg when M: well you leave for tour tomorrows S: how will the fans have time to bye tickets M: well you guys clearly dont check your Instagram bios S: what M: we put as link there 2 weeks ago O: what really M: yes S: omg I can't wait M: ya so go pack your stuff O: how long M: three weeks S: ok M: I will see you guys tomorrow at 3:00pm at the airport O: ok bye M: bye


Sebastian Pov
We go home and I go to my room and pack my stuff then my mom calls and says that dinner is done so I go down stairs and eat then i go to my room

Lyssa's Pov
I woke up to my dad telling me it was dinner time so I go down stairs and grab a slice of pizza and eat it then I go to my room and go on instagram then Sebastian texted me

The convo
Seb😍❤) hey
Me) hey
Seb😍❤) I need to talk to you tomorrow
Me) ok
Seb😍❤) it has to be at like 11
Me) ok
Seb😍❤) bye
Me) bye
End of convo

I end up falling asleep


Sebastian Pov
I wake up and make sure I have all my stuff then I eat breakfast then I go up stairs

Lyssa's Pov
I wake up and go down stairs and make a smoothie and go to my room and text Sebastian

The convo
Me) hey
Seb😍❤) hey
Me) so when do you want to meet
Seb😍❤) now
Me) ok
Seb😍❤) I'll come to your house and we can go to our spot
Me) ok
End of convo

Sebastian Pov
I start walking to lyssa's house I start thinking what to say but before I knew it I was already at her house so I knock on the door L: hey S: hey lets go L: ok

Lyssa's Pov
We go to our spot S: We need yo talk oh no i think to myself is he breaking up with me L: are you breaking up with me S: what no L: ok then what S: I am going on tour L: what when S: I am leaving today L: what for how long  S: three weeks L: what I dont know if I can last that long without you S: it's going to be ok L: I know S: how about you come to the Miami show  L: ok S: it's Saturday L: ok then Sebastian sets an alarm for 2 then he lays a blanket down and we lay together and cuddle I lay in his arms and fall asleep

Sebastian Pov
I fell asleep with Lyssa then I wake up to my alarm S: Lyssa I have to go come on L: ok we get up and climb out of the tree house then we holds hands and walk to my house we get to my house and I grab my stuff and put it in the car and Oliver does the same

Lyssa's Pov
Me Sebastian go to his room and talk for about 10 minutes mm: come on we have to go S: ok we walk down stairs and I was about leave mm: do you want to come I'll drop you off at home when we get back L: yes thank you me and Sebastian walk to the car and sit next to each other we get to the airport and Seb see's his manager M: alright are you guys ready O: ya  he says grabbing his bags S: ya and grabs his bag M: ok S: hold on can I talk to Lyssa for a minute it will be fast M: yes hurry though S: ok we walk away L: I am going to miss you so much S: I am going to miss you too M: come on Sebastian he kisses me and I kiss him back S: I love you L: I love you too tears start rolling down my face and I get in the car mm: it's ok lyssa he will be back soon we get back and I go home and go to my room and lay on my bed crying

Dezzi's pov
I here crying and I go to Lyssa's room and see her crying Lyssa whats wrong L: i won't see him for 3 weeks De: why L: he left on tour
De: it's ok L: i know he said he loves me De: did you say it back L: yes i love him De: aww L: i am going to see him Saturday De: how L: there is a show in Miami De: oh L: I cant wait to see him again De: it's going to be ok L: I know then i fall asleep

Thank you guys so so so much for reading I am posting book two on Monday I love you all thank you again

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