"It requires a six digit code to arm, I'll let you pick that." Stark handed you a small holographic keypad, and without any hesitation you typed in your daughter's birthday "If anything ever sets it off, it'll notify the police first, and then me alright?" You nodded as he continued to explain a few other things about the system, including the sensors he'd placed on the windows "I know Peter likes to come in through the window, so I've programmed it to recognize his suit."

"Thank you..."

"You know, he was really upset when he got back last night... Would you know anything about that?" Your lips were in a tight line as you nodded at him, and you handed the keypad back, knowing you'd end up breaking something that was worth more than anything you owned.

"I tried calling him first Tony... and he didn't answer. I know, I know he was doing something for you and I don't blame you for anything that happened but... I was terrified, and I called Bucky."

Peter had checked his phone as soon as he'd delivered the deviants to the steps of the police station, and his breath caught in his throat when he noticed the missed calls from you, and he'd nearly dropped his phone off the side of the building he was balancing on when he listened to your voicemail.

Two minutes and five seconds.

That was exactly how long it took him to get back to your place. But what he saw when he landed against your window was... it was something that made his chest tighten, something that made him immediately tear up.

Bucky was holding you, His hand was even teasing at the back of your hair. And with his enhanced senses, Peter could tell you were completely calm.

You didn't need him. Not anymore.

His mask folded into the rest of his suit, and he wiped his eyes with the back of his hand as he dropped the three floors down to the ground.

"I should have listened to Stark..." He muttered under his breath, over and over, as he slowly walked down the sidewalk. He could've gotten home in minutes, but he needed to think, needed to clear his mind before he would have to see Tony to report on how the night had gone.

You were back at the compound, after Stark had insisted you come with him. You were supposed to be working on the designs for Peter's new suit, which you'd done for about an hour before going to find Stark to try and talk to him.

"Look. I don't know what you did. But he's hurt. He won't leave his room. He hasn't done something like this since..." He trailed off when he saw how your face had fallen, and the way your eyes had started to water. You hated when people were mad at you, especially someone you held in such high regard "He hurts easy..." He tapped on the light attached to his chest, and you couldn't help flinching at the noise it made "In here. I know you've had a rough go at life but... I'll choose to protect Peter first. Every single time."

"I'm sorry Tony. I don't know what else to say to you..." You felt a tear roll down your cheek, at the exact same moment Peter walked through the doorway. He didn't even look at you, as he walked over to the cabinet and swung the door open, grabbing a few items and then turning back around. He was looking at the floor, but you'd still noticed how red his eyes were "Peter... please."

"Hey Tony... I'll be in the science lab with Banner. We're trying to figure out some new webbing." Your chest was aching as he left without even acknowledging you, and Tony even turned his back to continue typing on his computer.

"I'm not paying you to stand around crying."

You wanted to go home. Everything had been so perfect yesterday morning, and then had completely gone wrong.

You were certain Peter hated you now, and he wouldn't even talk to you. He wouldn't even answer his phone. Every time you tried to call, it sent you straight to voicemail. You'd even sent a few text messages that still remained unread.

You wanted to explain yourself, explain what had happened and why you'd been so close to Bucky.

And Stark was being so cold towards you... you knew some of his reasons, that Peter had died in the Snap.

That Stark felt responsible...

That he obviously wanted to protect Peter from getting hurt again, even if it meant alienating you. You needed to talk, to someone, and if Peter was still acting like a child, you'd talk to Bucky.

"I saw the police reports." Bucky had showed up at your door with a pizza in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other, and you nearly choked on the food in your mouth as you looked up at him.

"How did you..."

"I put the clues together y/n. I care about you too damn much to let anything happen. So I did some digging. Made sure he'll never get out of the hole they stuck him in."

You could hear loud yelling coming from Bucky's office, and your hands began trembling when you recognized it as Peter's voice...

Against your better judgement, you decided to step in.

Stark wouldn't talk to you... and you didn't know who else you could trust. Sure, you could try to find Scott, but he was likely with Hope or his daughter... too busy to worry about you.

All you saw was Bucky's back, and he ducked down just in time to have Peter's fist come flying at your head...

Blush - A Peter Parker ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now