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He'd hung up on you. And after repeated attempts to get through again, and failing, you gave up.

You felt totally, alone.

Peter was missing.

Bucky wouldn't talk to you... even though you felt that one was completely your fault. If only it was possible to take back words...

The tears were constant now, but you still kept your breathing under control, using the tricks Bucky had taught you so long ago.

You didn't know how long you'd been sitting at that table, sobbing, feeling sorry for yourself, but when the door slowly opened and Stark stepped through, you sat up straight in the chair, hurriedly wiping your eyes with the ends of your sleeves.

"Hey... Scott found Peter. He'll... probably be able to talk him down better than me." He walked closer to the table, carefully setting a glass of water down in front of you before backing away again. Ever since the incident during the training session, everyone in the compound had been a little scared of you "Pete loves you y/n. That's never going to change. He just needed some time. It's a lot to process, the kid not being his..." He scratched at his beard, and you emptied the glass of water in one big gulp, unable to stop the loud yawn that escaped your lips "I'm sorry if I caused any problems. I was just trying to protect Peter from getting hurt again."

"I get it Tony. I do. I just... I just need him right now. I need Peter."

"Is everything alright Sgt. Barnes?" Shuri peaked her head through the doorway to Bucky's room, her eyes widening when she saw him slumped against the floor with a nearly empty bottle of whiskey clutched in his hand.

"I fucked up Shuri. I yelled at her..." Bucky quickly downed the rest of the bottle before tossing it against the far wall, neither of them even flinching when it shattered into several pieces "I love her and I fucked it all up by getting angry. Y/n is having my baby..."

She moved towards him, holding out her hand, and waiting until he accepted her help to stand "Let's get you cleaned up, and then I have something to show you."

Your eyes snap open, your breaths short and ragged as you try, and fail, to calm yourself down...

It had been such a vivid dream, about Bucky. You'd never been to Wakanda, but yet in your mind it was so clear...

It was almost as if you were directly connected to him, and could feel exactly what he was feeling... the pain, the anger...

The love he still had for you.

"I'm sorry Scott... I didn't know who else to call." You rub you temple with your free hand, standing up from the bed and pacing across your room a few times as Lang talked you down from your terrible dream...

"What's your favorite type of ice cream?" He'd suddenly stopped in the middle of another thought, and you couldn't help the smile that spread across your face "Or... Cassie and I can come get you, and take you on a little adventure. Your choice."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2019 ⏰

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