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When I was born my parents thought I was a blessing from the Angels so they named me angel and here I am about to turn 14 time flies and I've had a rough life I went through a lot of pain I've struggled I have even wanted to break down and just cry but somewhere is inside I knew I had to stay strong I had people by my side some left some stayed and the people I have now I appreciate i've lost a lot of people in my life friend wise and family and I know I'm weak I try to act strong people say that I look so confident but they don't know how I feel inside sometimes I just act like I don't even care when I do I say I'm fine I'm not it's never fine my life has already felt depressing enough and when I say that my life feels depressing and I tell people they're always like you don't know what depression feels like you don't know how it feels to lose someone but they don't know me so they can't just tell me what I know and I don't people always judge me first look someone even said when they first saw me I look like I was just a straight snob well I'm not like that and I got to know me they eventually found out that judging people is probably not the right thing to do and everyone judges everyone does you can't say you don't judge because everyone does when I felt sad or alone I wrote poetry or wrote songs to help me I may be only turning 13 but that doesn't change anything of what I I know lots of things sometimes I act like a therapist because when people have problems and they're my friends I help them with that I've even helped one of my friends through suicide and if that doesn't say enough I don't know what does

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2018 ⏰

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