1) We Like to Party

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My 1st Party as a College Student

Gig 'em Week - the name attributed to the first week after students move into the dorms where class hasn't started yet. This week is famous for the crazy parties that people will throw every night of the week.

It was Monday night of Gig 'em Week when I returned to my dorm room from dinner with friends to find a suspicious message written on the whiteboard my roommate and I had posted on our door. It read "Party tonight call XXX-XXX-XXXX for a safe ride". My older sister had told me about things like this during this special week. Upperclassmen from certain organizations would throw parties for the freshmen in order to encourage them to join their club (people from A&M probably know what organization I'm referring to here). 

I called my friend Meagan to ask her to go with me because there was no way I was going to go this party alone, let alone get picked up by a random stranger by myself. But in my mind, if I had a friend then this behavior was completely acceptable.

After shaking off a little bit of nervous jitters, we got up the courage to call the number that was written on my whiteboard and before we knew it we were being picked up in front of our dorm by a kind stranger named Matt. We made awkward chit-chat while he drove us to the party and tried to talk up his organization to us. Little did he know, we were mostly just there for the free booze.

When we got to the party, it had sketchy written all over it. There was a large crowd of people in the backyard of a house located in a residential neighborhood. In Texas, that basically means that you can hand your neighbors baked goods from your kitchen window into theirs. Ya catch my drift? The houses are super close together. So having a big group of under-aged collge students drinking alcohol loudly in your backyard probably isn't the best idea at this location.

Nonetheless, Meagan and I got drinks and sipped on them while talking to various people at the party. Everyone was nice, but in every conversation we had with them they talked about their organization in some way.

After maybe an hour or so, a guy appeared in the side yard telling us to "shhhhh!". Voices around me whispered "The cops are here!" Immediately my heart began to pound. My first ever college party, and it gets busted by the cops? What kind of crappy luck is that?!

The cops ended up being super chil, and by super chill I mean they only made everyone leave with a "sober" driver. Meagan and I got into a car with a guy whose name I forget. According to him, it's a miracle he passed the breathalizer test the police gave him before allowing him to drive us home because he had been drinking at least 5 beers that night. I understand this isn't a lot to most guys, but still it's never ever a good idea to get into a car with a driver who has been drinking!

Somehow, Meagan and I made it back to the dorm safely. For the rest of the week, I was extremely paranoid at every party I went to. But more about that later ;)

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