Pt.1__Meet Y/N

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I whispered under my breath. Sweat rolled down my face, chin, and neck. I clung to the rope and spread my legs only to take them closer to my body a second later. It took all my strength to pull myself up on top of the chandelier.

*This thing really wasn't made for swinging*

<> I'm so gonna kill you Sang *you moron*

Sang—Mr. Woo will be suspicious if you take to long. Hurry up and get your ass back there.

That's all that came from my earpiece.

*you're so getting it you idiot*

But I don't have time to think about that now. I'm sitting on a chandelier in a ballroom of a high-rank official, Mr.Woo. Under me is a 10-meter drop.

My mission: climb up the chandelier, through a hole in the ceiling, plug a disk into the electric current and get out of there.

Time: not much

I sigh as I pull myself up and start climbing up the chandelier. When I got to the top I prest my clock to the golden base and watched as it turned from red to green. Then a hole opened next to it. I reached my leg up to it and climbed in. I quickly unplugged a disk out and put it in my waist bag as I took out another disk and plugged it in the same place. Then I got out, closed the hole behind me, got off from the chandelier and out the window. No big deal.

[sometime later]

[around 10 minutes]

[oh and I changed to a black dress, I mean I can't go to a party in my climbing gear]

??: Leen, there you are

Said Mr. Woo as I got into his view.

Mr.Woo: We were looking for you. Where have you gone?

"Leen": I'm sorry Mr.Woo. I got lost in this big estate of yours😉—>*in my head*🤮

Mr.Woo: That's okay dear. I'm not mad at you, I just missed you.

"Leen":*yeah you did🙄*

<> I swear to God if I see that guy one more time I'm gonna shoot him! How dare he touch me like that!

??: You had a nice time I see😏

<> No, Sang, I did not have a "nice" time. Why do you always have to send me to...

Sang: Why do you always burst into my office without being invited?

<> That's different.

Sang: Yeah yeah whatever...Do you have the disk?

I nodded my head and gave him the disk I took from the pervert. It had info on him-> Mr. Woo. Don't ask what, it's classified. Just like everything here. This building, people working here. We're a secret service. And that moron over there is the boss of it all.

^knock knock^

??: Hey boss, I have the files you asked for...Oh hi, R.

"R": I'm not R.

??: Oh yeah, you're not a rookie. But you are a J...Junior😜.

"J": No! And stop calling me Junior.

Sang: Cut it out, Jack.

Jack went silent the same second Sang said so. What a kiss-ass🙄.

Sang: Now since you're both here, let me show you your next mission.

<>: What!? But I just got back.

Sang: Don't worry Y/N, this will be more relaxing then your previous missions.

*Yeah right🙄. All I get are spy missions, high officials personal "assistant" role play and psycho chases*

Sang: You guys are gonna be bodyguards.






Y/N: ... You're not serious right.


*I wanna kill you so bad*

Jack: With all due respect, sir, we can't be bodyguards. I mean we are agents, specially trained to protect our nation in secret...

Sang: And that's why I'm giving you this job. You guys are the best in the business. Jack, you're a computer genius and a gun specialist, and you're just 25. Y/N you're the youngest to ever become an agent and a girl of that. You were 19, right. And you're gonna be 21 soon, right.

Y/N: 🤨, yeah I was and yes I am. But why does our age matter?

Sang: Look all I wanna say is that you guys will be perfect for this mission.

That's it. I had it. First, he gets me into a mission with a serial killer, then I have to hunt down a runaway cat of the president, then he makes me an officials bitch and now he's not telling me everything. I swear I'm gonna...

Jack: Sir, what are you not telling us? We are young but we're not stupid. This won't be easy right?

Sang: ...

Y/N: God damn it Jun, just tell us who we're working for?!

That was the biggest mistake of my life. I was gonna die. Sang jumped over the table with a knife in his hand. He stepped to me and tugged my head backward and put the knife next to my throat. I felt it touch my skin, but I did nothing. Sang was way too strong for me, well now at least.


I slowly nodded and he let me go.

Sang: Now, let's get back to your mission. Do you know BTS?

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