eight-july 4th

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i don't condone underage drinking


     when did this vacation become such a mess? i've had a boner like 4 times already. it's ridiculous.

     y/n left me to get ready for the 4th of july party tonight while she went downstairs to hang out with sophia. i hopped in the shower and hummed to myself while washing my hair. that whole fiasco this morning was just embarrassing, i mean, does jack even have a filter? of course he doesn't. i got out of the shower and put on clothes that could pass as festive and walked out and sat on the couch.


as soon as we finished breakfast i took sophia by the hand and raced downstairs to her bedroom, creeping past jeremy, who was still fast asleep. i shoved her in the room onto the bed and locked the door behind us. my head slammed against the wood and let out a long groan and she stifled a laugh. "this isn't funny!" i exclaimed.

"yes it is! it's hilarious!" she replied.

"this is the opposite of hilarious! this is..." i paused, searching for the right word, "terrifying?"

"what? your crush literally jerks off to you! how in the hell is that terrifying?"

"ok first of all, he is not my crush, and second of all, we do not know that it was to me."

"what do you think it was to? feet?"

"ew! why would you say that?! that makes me want it to be to me, as long as it's not that."

she laughed, "all i'm saying is, you guys definitely have the hots for each other."

"shut up." i rolled my eyes.

"really! you should have seen the eyes you were giving him last night."

"he was naked!"

"so was finn! you weren't staring at his dick!"

"that's different!"

"you know you're right, it is different, wyatt's bigger."

i couldn't disagree with her.


soon enough we were all piling on the boat to start heading to the community boat dock where the big 4th of july party would be hosted. though fireworks, alcohol, and being surrounded by water was not a good mix, it was bound to be a fun night. "try not to get too drunk," i instructed, "were all underage and i really don't want to get arrested."

"no promises y/n, the week before we got here was pretty rough, i've been looking forward to this the whole trip." jack said.

i pursed my lips and continued driving.

soon enough, the sky had changed to a deep navy blue, fireworks were over, and drinks had been passed around. jack was blacked out on the boat while finn stayed back with him, chosen was picking a fight with the dj, sophia and jaeden were somewhere on the dance floor, i'm pretty sure jeremy was off petting a dog, and wyatt, wyatt was just sober enough to walk and talk, but drunk enough to slut-dance on everyone he saw, including me.

chosen finally compromised with the dj and let out a satisfied yelp as a familiar song came on. it was only when wyatt came crashing into me, gripping my wrists and shaking me, yelling, "this is my song!" (though he said that about every song that came on, he seemed serious about it this time around) that i started to remember where i'd heard this song and why it left such a lasting impression; wyatts 13th birthday party, it was sexyback by justin timberlake. he took the drink out of my hand and i giggled downed both his and mine before attempting to twirl me around. off in the distance we saw sophia grinding her hips on jaeden. "i wanna do that!" he exclaimed, slurring his words.

"wyatt i'm not doing that." i replied.

"i don't need you to." he winked and proceeded to grind his ass against me to the beat of the music. "wyatt!" i yelled

"you can't stop me baby!" he yelled, liquid sloshing from his cup and dripping down his wrists. "jesus," i said and pushed him off of me, "you're drunk as hell." i took the cups out of his hands and threw them on the ground and led him back to the boat, where jack "slept" and finn looked at his phone, one hand resting on jacks knee. "watch wyatt, we're leaving and i have to go get the others." i tell finn and go to fetch them.


     the walk from our dock back to the cabin was treacherous. jeremy led the group, sipping on a capri sun, not far behind was chosen, then sophia and jaeden, linked arm in arm helping each other up the hill giggling about something, after them, finn had jack thrown over his shoulder, and trailing behind was wyatt and i. i listened to the gravel crunch under below my feet as wyatt stumbled and nearly tripped over himself before he stopped, leaned against a tree, hung his head and heaved up the contents of his stomach. i sighed and pulled him up the last stretch of the trail.

     finally reaching our room, i helped him strip to his underwear and pushed him into the shower. i know, i'd seen him naked and all but he was drunk and wasn't able to make decisions for himself, so i chose the route that offered the most privacy, besides bathing him in his full clothes. he held a tight grasp to the shelf in the shower, the only movement he made was to wobble on his feet a little. "what are you doing?" i asked.

"i cannot stand right." he mumbled in reply.

i groaned and took off my clothes as well, staying in my undergarments then stepped under the water, grumbling about wetting a perfectly good bra. i stabilized him and asked him to sit while i washed his hair. he did as i said and i squatted next to him, squirting the shampoo into his curls and massaging the suds into his scalp then helped him stand up to rinse it out; he never broke eye contact with me, even as i tilted his back to keep the soap out of his eyes. "why do you keep looking at me?" i questioned.

"because you're beautiful."

"and you're drunk." i scoffed.

"i'm serious, y/n." he lifted his hands to my face and i dropped mine from his hair.

he brought his face alarmingly close to mine, the stench of alcohol was almost overpowering, almost, but not quite. his hands slid to my shoulders and i let my eyes flutter shut as his soft lips fell on mine. his right hand snaked itself into my hair as he deepened the kiss, lightly pushing his tongue between my teeth and brought my body flush to his.

i knew this was wrong. i knew that as his long fingers roamed my body that this was, in no way, shape, or form, alright. he was drunk. he didn't know what he was doing. he didn't know what he was getting himself into. he needed to stop, but i didn't want him to. he just had to. i pulled myself off him and bit my lip, this could go so far, i thought, but i won't let it. i sighed and repeated my earlier process, this time with conditioner. "why'd you stop?" he whispered, his voice cracking.

"i had to."

"please tell me."

"ask me tomorrow." i said, knowing he wouldn't remember, but secretly hoping that he would.

once out of the shower i helped him brush his teeth and change into pajamas before leading him to bed and wrapping myself in his arms, drifting slowly to sleep and he nuzzled his nose into that back of my neck.

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