The Truth

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I don't own Reign!!!

Ella sat with her head in her hands, Lady Violet had just told her everything Mary had said about her. She was close to tears.

"Why?" She asked "Why say such terrible things about me? Why does she hate me? I spared her life! I took in her lady who would have been disgraced if it were any other queen!"

"I don't know my lady." Violet said sadly. "What shall we do?"

Ella stood up "We shall leave. We won't confront Mary. Let her feel the guilt of driving her husband's oldest friend away. Begin packing and inform the other ladies. I will tell Francis."

Violet called on the other ladies and told them to begin packing up the jewels, shoes, and gowns. Kenna was weeping silently, she had expected to have more time with her friends.

Ella went to Francis and explained to him that she was leaving court. She had to visit her new country of Russia and establish her rule. That was the lie she told. She would be going to Russia, but not because she had to show that she was their ruler, because of what his wife said. She would leave in a week, once transportation was arranged and her things packed up.

Francis was devastated at the loss of his friend, he knew she wasn't dead, but he felt like he had lost her forever. That night he didn't go to Mary's rooms and sleep on the couch near her. He wanted to be alone.

Bash held a weeping Kenna who was afraid that she would loose everything and everyone she loved. But Bash was glad to go with Ella, even if it meant leaving behind his brother.

Several years passed (in my version Francis survives and everything is okay) Mary had told Francis the truth about what she had said about Ella and how that was why she left.

Four years later Ella has returned to visit her friend and French court. She sent troops when Louis of Conde attacked but beyond the occasional letter had little contact with her old friend.

Ella stood on the deck of a ship, about to depart for France. Bash came up behind her, he had become her most trusted advisor and he and Kenna had repaired their relationship and now had a healthy two year old baby boy.

"Ella," he asked "are you sure you're ready to go back?" He now knew what had happened to her and why she had left France four years ago.

"Yes Bash," Ella smiled softly "I think now Mary has grown and matured. She is no longer a spoiled child who hates me. Francis told me in his letters that she feels true remorse for what she said."

"Alright. If you're sure." Bash sighed

Time skip

Francis and Mary waited with Cathrine on the grounds as Ella's carriage rumbled up the path. When it arrived out stepped the beautiful, raven haired Empress. She wore a gown of dark green with golden leaves embroidered on it.

She was now 23 and still unmarried. But she had adopted children from every country she ruled. Poor orphans who would be dead if not for her kindness. She had brought one little girl with her, her name was Lady Hannah. She couldn't be called a princess because she was not her true daughter but she was the oldest at 16.

Ella stepped out of her carriage and embraced her old friend and his mother who had been so kind to her. Then she looked at Mary and smiled sadly. She didn't speak to Mary just yet but she looked at her and nodded kindly.

Bash and Kenna hopped out of the coach behind Ella's. Kenna ran into Mary's open, waiting arms. Ella smiled happily at her lady-in-waiting and told her to go and be with her friends. To talk and gossip, but to be back at their rooms in time to prepare for the party that night. Kenna was overjoyed and hugged Ella tightly, it broke Mary's heart to see how happy Kenna was with the Empress, but she put on a brave face and led Kenna to her rooms to Lola and Greer.

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