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"Gentlemen, I hope you're all behaving yourselves this evening." Robert Westbrook, the CEO/co-owner of Westbrook Ent. says to the group of businessmen surrounded a dark wood pool table, causing a light laugh amongst the room. "If you need anything, feel more than free to ask." He says, stepping away from his previous spot to

I nod my head, letting out a small chuckle as I take a deep inhale of my cigar, my eyes scanning the lounge. I sat with a glass of scotch in one hand, my burning cigar in the other, the hard look set in my eyes as a CFO from some small, million dollar company tried to strike up a conversation. I was ready to harshly reply, when Robert coughs to gain our attention once again.

"This is my daughter, Elianna. She will inherit the company one day, so I thought it was time for you all to finally meet her." Robert says professionally, moving aside so someone could move next to him.

"H-hello." I hear a timid voice say softly, barely loud enough for anyone to hear. My head shot up, my dark brown eyes meeting a pair of icy blue ones.

There she stood, mon trésor. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life, with dark hair that shone with caramel, and eyes the color of the sea. The cutest button nose adorned her face, with dimples surrounding that heavenly smile. "Do you mind if I go help mama in the living room daddy?" She spoke softly to her father, her words flowing with grace and innocence. She radiated purity, and warmth, but her words went straight to my crotch.

I had to have her.

"Holy hell, he raised a sexy one there. I'm gonna go have a chat with her, yeah mate?" The British CFO who had attempted to talk with me earlier spoke with a smirk, attempting to stand up. Luckily, the small crowd had said their hellos and had gone back to their conversation, including Robert.

"If you'd like to keep your limbs and your company intact, I suggest you shut your mouth and don't even fucking look in her direction again, got it mate?" I spoke harshly to him, picking up my glass and setting it down on the side table.

I make eye contact with the beauty once again, sending her a soft smirk before I exit the room, grabbing my jacket off the coat hanger.

This was not the last time I would see Elianna, mon trésor.

She was mine.


trésor = treasure

I'll be using a lot of French in this book, seeing as one of the main characters is French.

i'll put translations in the bottom or top of every chapter if used !

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