one - elianna

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Elianna yawns softly, her baggy silk pajama tank top sliding down her thin arms. She turns to her clock next to her, seeing it read 6:42. Elianna slid her legs over the side of her bed, letting her feet touch the cold, cherry oak floor. She let out a soft sigh as she pattered into her personal bathroom, splashing a bit of cold water on herself. Eli slides off her pajamas and slips on her red plaid school skirt, along with her white button up shirt.

Her parents were quite insistent on her attending the best, most prestigious private school. It wasn't something she enjoyed, she would have much rather preferred a public school, or homeschooling even. Not that Elianna would ever go against her parents wishes, she'd do anything for them. She lets out a soft sigh as she ties her tie, slipping on her burgundy cardigan, letting it hang off of her small frame.

Elianna didn't bother with makeup, not that she could if she wanted to. She had no older sister to teach her, and she was too afraid to ask her mom for it, she didn't want to be a bother to her. Her mom, Charlotte, or Lottie for short, was a strong, sweet, and passionate woman who Elianna grew up to admire. She felt bad asking her parents for anything, she felt as if they've given her so much.

She puts on her deodorant, perfume, and lotion, slinging her brown leather backpack over her shoulder. Elianna smiles, slipped her phone into her bag as she skips down the elegant stairs, making her way into the kitchen. Elianna and her parents along with 12 maids and butlers lived in a large mansion in the richest part of London suburbia. It was lonely at times, the big house sometimes feeling too empty to be called a home.

Not that Elianna was ungrateful, she was grateful for every opportunity her parents have given her, but sometimes she just felt a bit lonely in the big house while her parents were working at their billion-dollar company. Lottie and Robert Westbrook, Elianna's parents, were the owners of Westbrook Enterprises, an electronic company with factories across Europe and parts of Canada and America.

Elianna smiled as she entered the kitchen, giving her mother a kiss on the cheek as she sat across from her at the large, glass, ornate dining table. Alyssa, her previous nanny/caretaker, sets a bowl of cereal in front of her, kissing her on the top of her head. Elianna thanks her, a smile on her face as she crosses her legs under the table.

Her parents always taught her to be grateful and respectful, they were just that type of family. They weren't your stereotypical rich family, the snobby, stuck-up, selfish ones, which was refreshing. "I need you to come straight home after school today my love, your dad and I have something to tell you." Her mom says, looking more serious than she's ever seen her outside of business. "Okay mum, I'll have Grace give me a ride home then." Elianna says, smiling as she finishes her cereal. She puts her dish in the sink and picks up her back, kissing her mom in the cheek again. "Bye mum, love you." She says before rushing out the door.

Although Elianna had grown up on the rich lifestyle, she refused to be chauffeured around, and had not yet got her driver's license. Therefore, she walked to and from school, which took about 10-15 minutes. Fortunately though, her best friend Grace was there for those rainy, snowy, and days where she was just too lazy. Grace Anderson, her best friend since middle school, was a blonde, 6 foot tall girl who was louder than a school bell and had the quirky, funny personality that Elianna craved.

Elianna was very quiet, polite, and soft spoken, and she wished to be like Grace someday, yet another woman she admired. Unlike many wealthy families that she grew up around, her and her family respected women and admired them greatly, rather than using them as trophy wives like most of the men in London did.

She whistled to herself as she continued her walk to school, completely oblivious to the car that was speeding around the corner. Elianna continued on her way across the street, not paying attention when suddenly she heard the sound of a car accelerating, causing her head to jerk up. She screams as she sees a car heading straight for her, preparing for impact when suddenly she hit the ground, a heavy weight on top of her. She hears tires squealing and a car peeling out in the opposite direction, and sighs in relief.

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