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a while back
I dropped a few of my cds

a few survived uninjured
while two left injured

they have have lived in a broken case for a few months

until today

it is with a heavy heart that I say that those two cd cases have been out of they're misery.

today, I snapped the two cd backings in half (on purpose) and put the two cds in a more protective case.

today, I snapped the two cd backings in half (on purpose) and put the two cds in a more protective case

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BUT, with this situation i can now give you guys a tutorial on proper ways of putting your cd case(s) out of its misery

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BUT, with this situation i can now give you guys a tutorial on proper ways of putting your cd case(s) out of its misery.

this is for it you want to move your cds into a car if your going to drive.

first off, you would want to break the top part of it off it first.

second, take the CD out!!! I cannot stress that enough.

once your cd is safe, make sure you are looking at the bottom of the CD case. start looking for a small gap by pulling the bottom a little. the case should pop off any moment. like toast.

when the case has been popped, take the art out of it, so you can remember track names of need be. or, to look at the art.

 or, to look at the art

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        also, you may realize that there are parts of the CD title is pull apart

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        also, you may realize that there are parts of the CD title is pull apart. you should probably pull those apart. that will make storing the art easier on you.

also, you can use those for crafts, for safe keeping, or you can throw them away

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also, you can use those for crafts, for safe keeping, or you can throw them away. you do you!

finally, find a case to put them in. make sure your cds are safe.
I used one I already had, but you can buy one.

I used one I already had, but you can buy one

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   there you go! your cd(s) should be safe

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   there you go! your cd(s) should be safe. don't ask me where the case is from because I don't know...

my cd shelf looks basic now... And small...

. . .

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