Chapter 42

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"Lena, come on baybeh" August said sighing.

It was finally Lena's first day back for her sophomore year of college and she was still laying in bed.

"I don't wanna" she mumbled, keeping her face in the pillow.

Sighing he walked out of the room to fix her a quick breakfast and letting her get a few more minutes of rest in.

He grabbed a bagel and put it in the toaster then started cutting up different fruits they had. After a few minutes he could hear the shower running so he knew she was finally awake.

Hearing the bagel pop out of the toaster he grabbed cream cheese and put it on before setting it on the plate.

As she walked out of the bedroom she smiled at him.

"Babe, you're so good to me" she said as she went towards him giving him a kiss.

"You deserve it" he mumbled against her lips. She gave him one more kiss before grabbing her plate and bringing it to the table.

He fixed them both a cup of coffee before sitting with her.

"You ready to be back in school?" He asked her.

"No" she mumbled. "It just makes me anxious. I don't know" she said, shaking her head.

"I know you anxious baybeh, but this is just helping you get closer to yo dreams. Don't get discouraged" he reminded her.

She looked at him for a moment, studying his face before responding.

"I love you baby" she said before grabbing his hand and placing a kiss on it.

"I luh you even mo'" he said. In his mind it was true.

He always believed he loved her more than she loved him, but he didn't mind. He would do any and everything for her if he could.

"So you work today?" She asked.

"Yeah I go in around 11."

"Okay. Are you gonna pick me up?" She asked. The couple was still sharing a car but she didn't mind. She loved having him drive her around.

"Yeah" he nodded.

She didn't bother responding as she read a text on her phone.

Since school was starting for her it was also starting for Maria. She decided to be nice and text her wishing her good luck.

Of course Maria only replied with an emoji, causing her to sigh.

She wasn't sure where this sudden attitude was coming from but she hated it. She loved the connection she had with her sister and now she felt as if it was fading.

Maria moved out over the summer and started living in the dorms offered by her college. It was only 30 minutes away, but she said she didn't feel like living with them anymore.

"What's wrong?" August asked her.

"I just... I don't get why she's acting like this towards me" she shrugged. "I tried my best to give her everything she could want"

"Baybeh, it's not yo fault. You did everything you could for ha', now she gotta figure it out herself."

"I guess" she mumbled. She grabbed her plate and cup bringing them to the sink to clean them before she had to leave.

All she hoped was that this year would bring her nothing but blessings, but the way it was starting made her worry. Family meant so much to her and now she felt like she was losing everyone.

Her father and brother were still in Memphis and now her sister was acting as if she wanted nothing to do with her.

She still had August and that was the only family she really needed.

He walked over to her bringing her into a deep hug, making her forget all her worries. If she could stay in his arms forever, she would.

"You ready baybeh?" He asked.

She nodded her head as they broke from the hug. He kissed her forehead before kissing her lips and allowed her to walk around him.

After she grabbed her bag they were out of the door.

"I don't know man, she just been real upset" August said to Hazel as they sat during their lunch break.

"Is Maria still seeing that guy you caught her with a few months ago?" She asked.

After thinking about it for a minute he shrugged.

"Once I caught them she never brought him back around. Why?"

"I don't know I was thinking, maybe he's why she's acting like this. Why would she be so secretive about him?"

"You know, you may be onto something. I never told Lena about it because I didn't think it was a big deal. Maybe I should"

"It's worth mentioning" she shrugged.

"Anyways, I wanna do something for ha'. Take her mind off everything" he said.

"Aug, y'all just got back from Italy. I don't think you can do better than that" she said, causing him to stale face her.

"I don't mean like dat'. I wanna surprise her. So Saturday I'ma need you to distract her while I set everything up. Okay?"

"I gotcha bro" she said with a smile. "You know she loved everything. So whatever you plan will be great"

"I hope so" he mumbled.

He hoped to help her get her mind off of everything. He knew she was getting stressed out with school and her family, and as her husband he felt like it was his job to make it right.

He hated seeing her stressed out. She wasn't her normal, loving self.

He just hoped his plan would work...

What you up to Aug? 🤔

Also, y'all don't mind me while I'm editing this story. I feel like it can be great, but this is my first one. I know there are mistakes and things that may be confusing so I'm trying me best to fix it.

Love y'all ❤️

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