[•A P R O TE C T I VE L O V E R ?•]

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" You seriously call that 'a little protective'? "

| ONE |
You've been dating (OC) for about a month now, you'd say. You haven't been keeping track, mostly because (OC) has been really enthusiastic about keeping you too busy to even think about days. Today is the first day where you haven't made plans to see them. And they're reacting to this situation poorly, spamming you with a thousand messages per hour. Even if you both knew this day had to come. Both of you had to know this, right? When the next day comes, you wake up to see that (OC) has proposed the idea of you two going out for dinner, and or you coming over to their house for dinner. Deciding that they're just overly clingy right now, and will get over it, you two decide upon going to your favorite restaurant. At around 5 PM, you get yourself ready, and just as you sit on the couch to relax for a minute, there's a knock on your door. Almost obviously, it's (OC), probably going to give you a ride. You?

| TWO |
Now... (OC)'s cover as a Yandere has been blown for months now. They've told you a few of the things they've done, but when you ask if they've done certain things, they change the subject. Telling you that they haven't even scratched the surface of their wrongdoings. Maybe your insane, or as crazy as they are, but you haven't dumped them yet. And it isn't just out of fear. (OC) told you to kill them, or send them to the police with all of their crimes, if you'd prefer to be away from them. You don't know what your doing anymore, clearly. But, when your friend and you are joking about how protective (OC) is over you –(OC) and you went on a double date, much to their disliking–. You hear them say something about a therapist, and don't take that as a joke. Well, not entirely. The thought of a therapist makes (OC) flinch, but it makes you actually think about that. The next day, you've found yourself actually looking up that sort of thing, while laying next to (OC) in bed. When they wake up, they cling to you more than they do in their sleep. And you?

They never let you leave. They never let you leave this house, they barely let you leave their sights, and the only time you have a chance to breath, is in the bathroom. But otherwise, (OC) never leaves you alone. It's their house, but you didn't expect simply accepting the invitation to hang out with your best friend, and forget about your plans with (OC), would be the worst mistake you've ever made. Because now they won't ever let you leave. No matter how much you hate them, no matter how much you scream, they never let you leave. This house is all you've known for, what? a week now? You don't know anymore. (OC) has attempted to make this house comfy for you, but there's so many precautions. It's starting to feel like (OC) thinks a simple bruise will kill you. You have your essentials, a phone, a book. But your phone has all social media deleted, and you can't go to the App Store to re-download them. You tried. It sent (OC) a message, and you got banned from the phone for awhile there. It's starting to feel like you're a child. At the moment, they're watching a movie on the couch, and you're either in the dining room, or with them on the couch. Now what?

| FOUR |
Make it up, or Vice Versa!

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