[• D O M E S T I C •]

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(Kid: 5-8)
<Yandere> had been head over heels for <Senpai> the minute they first met, which was through work. At first, the two were work friends, which evolved into actual friends quickly, and then, they were dating. And with five dates under their belt, <Senpai> thought it was time to try out how <Yandere> would react to a more parental role with their child. Of whom, <Senpai> had with a previous partner, one they did love dearly. One who died shortly after their child's birth...
That was how <Yandere> ended up spending the week at <Senpai's> place. It was only Sunday morning and already,
"<YANDERE>! <YANDERE>! Look at this!" Pulling at <Yandere's> shirt, the little kid presented the drawing. It was hard to make out, but it seemed to be a drawing of <Yandere> and <Senpai>. "It's your and Mommy/Daddy!" They happily told <Yandere>. You?

(Newborn baby)
<Yandere> & <Senpai> were newly weds when <Senpai> first got pregnant. The pregnancy was chaotic as <Senpai> tried to balance <Yandere's> even more intensely protective behavior and the whole grow-your-own-baby thing. But, hey, it all worked out, luckily.
And now it was about an hour after <Senpai> & <Yandere's> first born baby's birth. And, obviously, <Yandere> was very anxious. Had anything gone wrong, they might've lost it. But, luckily, everything went well. Now their new bundle of joy was here, and thankfully, their beautiful wife was still here as well. You?

(Yandere & Senpai can be switched)
Okay, today was the day. <Senpai> had to tell them. She had to. Any day now <Yandere> was going to catch on. After all, <Senpai> was about a month in. <Senpai> had just failed to find a good way to bring it up. *With <Yandere> doing so well with adjusting to a normal life, <Senpai> only wondered if they would fall back into their old horrible habits if a kid were to come along. Shivering at the memories, <Senpai> took a deep breath and released it. No.** It had to be today. They both had the day off, and it was date night. Everything was planned out. <Senpai> even had staff at their usual date night place in on it. It just had to go well! So, finishing up getting ready to go, <Senpai> left their room and walked downstairs. Seeing <Yandere> waiting for her on the couch. You?
* ignore here to
** here if the Yandere is the one pregnant.

Make it up!

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