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"Draco, darling. Wake up." Mother said softly. I opened my eyes.

"Good morning Mother," I said with a yawn. She gave me a soft smile.

"Good morning Draco. Time to get up." She said.

"Why this early?" I asked her, confused about why I had to wake up at the first light of day.

"It's September the first darling." She said with a smile. I sat up with a jolt.

"Hogwarts!" I said loudly. She nodded.

"Yes Draco, Hogwarts. Now get ready darling." Mother said before standing and walking out of the room.

"Okay, Mother."


I stepped through the barrier onto a smokey platform. People bustled around. Mothers pampering their children before the long stay at Hogwarts. Fathers giving last minute advice on what to do. Siblings arguing and complaining to their parents. I smiled. Almost there.

"Crabbe and Goyle should be around here somewhere..." Father muttered, looking around. When his back turned, I rolled my eyes and started edging closer to the train. Father walked off to look for Crabbe and Goyle. My mother glanced at the clock every five seconds. He came back ten minutes later.

"Those no good scumbags...keeping me waiting...pureblooded and all..." He cursed under his breath. His rambling was interrupted by the train whistle, indicating that there were five minutes till departure.

"Draco, I think you have to get on the train without Vincent or Gregory. Go find them when you get on the train." Mother said, her voice slightly higher than usual. She kissed me on the forehead before stepping back and letting Father talk to me.

"Now friends are fine but no, none at all, no mudbloods or blood traitors for friends. Half-Bloods are fine but purebloods are ideal. Stay away from filthy mudbloods and blood traitors." He paused as if to remember something. "And Harry Potter, I believe he's in your year, don't get too friendly with him. Understand?"

"Yes Father," I said. I turned and walked on to the train, hoping to find an empty compartment.


I walked down the compartment hallway, searching for a compartment that wasn't totally full of people. But everywhere I went, people were huddled in groups, whispering about something. Eventually, I found Crabbe and Goyle. They were in a compartment that wasn't completely packed with people. I sat across from a girl with a black bob and a rather unusual attitude.

"Hi! I'm Pansy, Pansy Parkinson. I'm guessing your Draco Malfoy. A pleasure to meet you." She said, shaking my hand. She smiled and I returned it. She was unusaually cheery for anyone I've ever met.

"Charming," I said to her. Her smile widdened.

"Don't mind Pansy. She's like that all the time." A boy beside Pansy said with an eye roll. "I'm Blaise Zabini."

"I'm Draco." I extended my hand. We shook.

"Pleasure." He said before continuing a conversation with Crabbe.

"I heard Harry Potter is on the train," Crabbe said.

"Yeah. He's apparently in the compartment next door." Blaise said.

"Really?" I asked. Zambini nodded.

"You can go see for yourself." He said. I nodded before nudging Crabbe and Goyle. We got up and walked out of the compartment and towards the one next door. Crabbe opened the door. Two boys looked at us as we entered. One boy had red hair, freckles and a long nose. The other had messy jet black hair and glasses. I recognized him from Madame Malkins.

He was the one who had no parents.

The cute one.


He's Harry Potter.

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