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Stupid Draco! I chided myself. Now you have no chance!

As I walked back into my compartment, I scolded myself for letting my anger take over. I hated it when someone judged me by my name. But, I couldn't say anything. At least, not with Crabbe or Goyle there. I sat back down in front of Pansy and remained silent, alone with my thoughts, for the rest of the train ride.


The Sorting Hat was placed on my head. And within seconds...


The hat was plucked off my head and I walked over to the Slytherin table. The rest of the sorting went quickly. I wasn't really paying attention. Harry got Gryffindor, as expected.

I was relieved. Slytherin was where I belonged. My family had been part of the house for centuries. Crabbe and Goyle were also sorted into the house. I was less relieved about that. They would probably tell my father what happened if I didn't. I ignored this. I didn't feel like complaining. I had much to celebrate. Being at Hogwarts, a feast and, my personal favourite, not being in Hufflepuff or Gryffindor. So when Professor Dumbledore finished an...unusual speech, I started to eat. Crabbe and Goyle dug in too. They started grabbing things from nearby platters and shoving in their mouths. I stopped eating and glared at them. They stopped food on their chins. I raised my eyebrows. They had dumb confused looks on there faces. Stupid oafs! No manners what so ever! I thought. But I did not tell them this. Instead, I reformed my words.

"Really?! Can't you eat one thing at a time?" I asked them. They shrugged and resumed their frenzy. I sighed and resumed eating.


After we finished, Dumbledore made some closing remarks and dismissed us. I rushed to get out of the hall. The farther away from those oafs the better. I was in such a rush to reach the Entrance Hall that I ran into a Gryffindor with long bushy brown hair. I tripped and fell, knocking her over. She yelled in pain as she hit the hard stone floor.

"I'm sorry!" I said, offering my hand to help her up. She grasped onto it and stood up. Her eyes slightly widened as she saw me. She looked down my hand, which was still grasping her hand. I let go.

"Sorry about that." She said, brushing her long bushy hair out of her face.

"It's fine. I wasn't looking where I was going and..." I trailed off. My breath left me. She had big brown eyes that stared at me.

"And?" She asked politely. I blinked.

"Um, well, I ran into you. I'm sorry, um, Miss..." I said, my voice slightly hoarse. I was never good at talking to girls, or people in general.

"Granger. Hermione Granger." She said smiling. It felt nice, someone who smiled around me.

"I'm Draco," I told her, smiling back.

"I'll see you around, I guess." She smiled and turned to join the other Gryffindors.

"Bye, Hermione!" I waved to her. She turned and waved back, smiling. I watched her as she disappeared into the crowd. I sighed, blinked and followed the Slytherins to the dungeons.

I didn't get much sleep that night.

I was confused. 

First Harry, then her.

What is wrong with me?

Why does it hurt to care, to have someone be friendly?

Or to love?


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2022 ⏰

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