The Hospital

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sitting up a little,Ciarra awoke in a strange white room, filled with angelic-sounding music. am I in heaven? Did I die?Ciarra wondered to herself. she tried to recall what had happened, why she was i this strange place. she came up empty handed. Giving up, she layed back down on the uncomfortable bed, noticing for the first time the burning sensation in her leg. It bugged her, but, realizing she could do nothing about it, she closed her eyes and tried to think of other, happier things. she frowned, yet again coming up empty handed. She began to sob softly.Why couldn't she remember anything? It scared her something aweful, and she called out for her dad. "Dad? Daddy?" She called, her fragile voice getting no reply. "Mommy? Mommy?!" Ciarra could feel panic rising within her. Why wasn't anyone answering her? Maybe she really was in heaven, after all... A nice looking lady opened the door and hustled into the room, at her side soothing her with a melodic voice in seconds. Calmed down, Ciarra's cries had subsided to sniffles, and tears stained her chubby cheeks. "wh-where's my Mommy and Daddy?" She bagan, her voice only slightly shaky. "They're downstairs, hun. I've sent someone to fetch them, don't you worry none, sweetie." Ciarra decided she liked this nice lady. Maybe she was an angel. she was certainly pretty enough to be one, and she was wearing white.. "Are you an angel?" ciara couldn't help but ask, awe filing her voice and making her eyes grow round. The lady gave a heart warming smile and chuckled. "No, honey, I'm a nurse!" A  nurse? So, she wan't dead after all? "I'm not dead then?" The nurse, again, chuckled. "You're quite alive and well, dear. You took a nasty fall, is all. You were pretty tough though, and lucky. You could have been more seriously hurt." She was hurt? That must be why her leg throbbed and burned. Joy overwhelmed Ciarra that she was still alive, but she couldn't help wonder what it would be like to be dead. Would she be a ghost, like Megan? Suddenly, a flash of realization hit her. Megan had been playing with the ferris wheel when she blacked out! And she remembered it! She remembered something! A tornado of joy and rage swelled within her. She couldn't believe Megan! She had hurt me! But at the same time, she couldn't help being happy she had some of her memory back. Two figures entered the room, Her parents! "Momy! Daddy!" HEr parents loked tired, and there eyes were filled with sadness, but theur smiles were real, and full of love and happiness. "Hey sweetie, how do you feel?"  Hr mother asked, sitting down in a chair beside her bed. He father sat down as well, picking up a little music box. Well, that explained the angelic music she'd been hearing. "I-im okay, Mommy." Her stomache growled. "A little hungry though." She added, giggleing. Her father stood up. "I'll go see what i can get you to eat, flower." She smiled. Flower was her dad's nickname for her, because she was more beautiful than the prettiest of flowers. "Thanks, Daddy." She said with much appreciation. Not ten minutes later, her father strode into the room with a delicious looking sunday, decked out with fugde sauce, bananas, rainbow sprinkles and brownie chunks. It even had her favorie ice cream, mint chip. she cried out in delight, happily didding her spoon into it before it was even fully at her side. Her father also set a tall glass of chocolate milk at her bedside. After eating, a nice man called Dr.Black came in, informing her that she might have short term memory loss, but assurd her that her memory, would, in time, come back to her in a matter of days. she also suffered a broken leg, but those were the only major inuries. she pulled back the covers, revealing a rainbow colored cast. It was so cool, the pain seemed almost worth it now. Dr.Black took her parents outside to discuss something with them, and ciarra fell into a troubled sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2012 ⏰

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