23. Unexpected Clash

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Ishika pov

I am super happy yesterday. I just love that I could effect him.

" Hello madam. Have you gone mad?" Vishu  wishpered in my ear as I am smiling to myself. I narrowed my eyes and tried to concentrate on the class.

" Come on let's go for a pizza" Advi asked us. I don't want go as I have to meet Anny.

" You people continue. I will join in a while" I said.

" Where are you going?" Sameer asked.

" I am having some work"

" What's this work Ishu?"

" Nothing" I said.

" I am fed up with listening to these Nothings since last month"

" So, what did you want to hear now?" I asked a bit louder as my anger reached peaks.

" Tell me what's going on in your life?"

" It's none of your business. I am getting late bye" I said and walked to meet him.

Anish pov

I am waiting for her from last 20 mins. I checked my watch.
By this time her lecture also would complete but why is she not coming.

I ordered one cappuccino as it can accompany me in this waiting session.

I am taking sips and lost in enjoying the taste then my beauty came. Now this cappuccino is no more tastier than her.

She is taking breaths and I could sense that she ran to meet me.

" Anny" She called out when I am not in a position to respond as I am lost in her.

She took cup from my hand and started to drink. Then I came to realisation.

" Where are you?"

" Lost in you" I said and she blushed.
" So, how are the classes going?"

" Is this a question boyfriend supposed to ask?"

" Yes, You are my responsibility now"

"Don't act like a father"

"I will" I said in a strong determination tone.

"When are your exams scheduled?"

"Next week"

"Don't take it easy. Do well" I said and she nodded I know she is not listening to classes because even I am paying less attention. Whenever I am trying to concentrate, my mind will recall her and there ends my study and I will be imagining a lovely movement with her.

"Ok then I am leaving" She said.

" What.."

" What... what?" She asked confused

" You came hardly 5mins back and now you are going away.

"Actually I told my friends that I am having a work and I came here"

" Why don't you tell them the truth?"

" I don't want to"

" Why ..?"

" I don't know the reason but I don't want to share"

" You are sure about our relationship right"

" No Anny it's not like that. I even shouted at sameer this morning because of this"

" So, you don't want tell out because you don't want to hurt him" I said out of the anger.

" You know what..Now at this movement you lost the respect you have..Get lost Anny" She said and ran away.

" Hell with you Ishu" I shouted back even now she didn't turn back.

Ishika Pov

Today what had happened is really bad. I had clash with Anny and sameer.

But the most hurting part is Anny's words. Till today all the respect and love I have towards him got drained.

How can he talk like that? Is this the respect he is giving to me? Is this the trust he has on me?

How can he ask me to disclose my relationship with him when he doesn't even dare to express?

I know he is possessive but this is beyond possessiveness man!!!

I can't take his spoken words are out of anger because without having thought in mind one can't talk that instantly.

He is feeling that I have feelings for sameer even after I solely confessed him.

Hell with you Mr. Anish Kapoor...

I walked to find my friends but they are not there. I ordered one cappuccino but it recalled me him. We both induced to an habit of sharing coffee. I left and came out.

I attended my lecture but didn't find my 3 idiots. Where have they gone?

I concentrated on my lecture. After my class I called my mom then I remembered that my birthday is in this week.

I walked to my room. This girl Advi is really lucky. They both will not fight all the time like us. How can a relationship work so sweetly?

Every time they both tried to solve our clash but now I don't want to share our stupid clash with her because I don't want Anish Kapoor around me...Ok atleast for somedays.

The rest of the day went normally. But this time no tears slipped down my cheeks as I don't want to waste my precious tears for an unimportant man.

I even skipped my jog. I don't know why but I don't want to see him. Because if I see him I will kick him hard which I don't want to do.

Today in corridor I saw him walking with his so called best friend Summi laughing out. Ohh he can walk, talk, laugh but I shouldn't do anything.

I just want to wipe that smile of his face. My anger reached peaks. I thought of going side but taken off by my stupid idea as I didn't do anything wrong.

I am walking straight seeing into his eyes but what made me hurt is he turned his face away.

This is more hurting than his words.

I ignored it because even in thoughts I don't want to remember him.

Shopping is the only thing that can drive me back to my own self.

"Advi let's go for shopping" I said and she jumped in happiness.

"Ok then... I will call Rishi and you call Anny"

"No, I think he will not come"

"He will come. I will tell Rishi to call him"

"Your wish"

I changed to my jeans and T-shirt and we both walked out. But the surprising part is Anny waiting outside of our hostel.

Why is he here? I didn't expect him to be here after what has happened. Is he feeling guilty for what has happened?

With many questions I stepped ahead...

To be continued..

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