51. After a long Time

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With love


Ishika pov

Tears came down there way but I whipped them becoz I don't to cry any more I haven't done any wrong.

But I am little upset of course I will be and there is nothing to feel shock about it.

From that day I decided not to cry and become mentally strong. I am attending my classes enjoying myself company. Life is not so good but not at all bad I am sounding confused right how can I be after such a massive heart break.

I started studying just to get rid of all the stupid thoughts in my mind.

After that day I haven't tried to contact Anish even he didn't. I even kept my friends away just listening Advi talks and smiling whenever necessary.

After my exams I will be flying to my home town and stay in peace for two months.

I have heard some internships and I am really excited to do and applied for it as I can't sit ideal in home.

But then I came to know that it's for both to be final years and for us and there will an exam. I have even heard that is going to be really tough.

Anyways let me try my luck. I thought and filled the form and submitted in the counter and went away.

Finally today is the exam and to say there is a strict invigilation. All the benches are occupied with two people except mine.

Who it should be? I thought but immediately thrown that thought as it is of no use.

I bowed my head and praying to god to do well I should go away from this college ok from that man. 

The invigilator came and I turned and found Anish sitting beside me.

Shit man..Why my life always revolves around him? Damm Ishu why you are worried if he is beside you?

Ok let me clam down and do my work.

I wrote my exam and waitingto submit the paper as soon as possible.

Do you need any answers?" He asked actually he winked at me but I rolled my eye's as it is only the best reply I can give this man.

I submitted my paper and rushed out but Advi dragged me to canteen even after me giving leave me look.

Soon Sameer and Vishu came and we are having small talk and laughing like hell for vishu jokes.

Then comes Anish Kapoor with his so called friends Rishi, Summi and many more whom I don't even bother.

I thought to go away as I can't be here.

" I am leaving" I said taking my phone.

" Wait I will drop you" Sameer said and I nodded my head.

Neither he nor I spoke anything it's silent but the silence is comfortable.

I jumped on my bed and took my phn. When we are occupied with work we will find many interesting things but now nothing is gaining my attention.

I just kept scrolling my Facebook and sometimes whatsapp.

I have seen Anish Kapoor number and I just blocked his number.

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