Chapter Four.

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That night Aria spent the night in my room. We spent the time getting to know each other and she gave me tips on how to get the guys’ attention.

The next morning we were woken up by a bombardment of guys in bathing suits.

“LOUIS GET OFF MY BED!” I yelled, rolling over and stuffing my face in one of my thousand pillows.

“No!” He said defiantly, lying down next to me. “Zayn, come help me here.”

‘Oh God’ I thought right as Zayn lay on the other side of me.

“Love, get up, we’re going swimming.” He whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine.

I removed my head from my pillow and turned to look at him. He was inches from my face.

I swallowed hard, which he noticed and smiled at me. That perfect smile.

“Get ready, we’ll be coming back up here in 10 minutes if you’re not down by then.” He whispered, kissing my cheek and motioning for everyone to leave.

Aria’s mouth was hanging open and she was staring at me, “That’s how you know you’re already part of the family.”

“Did they do that to you?” I questioned, getting out of bed and looking through my closet, deciding on a black strapless bikini.

“Yeah, it was very funny, actually. They wanted me to go swimming with them as well.” She replied.

I threw a pink strapless bikini at her, “Try that on, if it fits you can wear it.”

“Thanks!” Then she headed to my bathroom. I decided to just change out in my room.

I took my top on and placed the bikini top on, struggling to tie it.

There was a knock on my door; I awkwardly called “Come in.”

Louis walked in and chuckled, “Need some help?” He asked, walking up behind me.

“Yes please.” I sighed in relief as I felt his hands take the straps and tie them.

“Too tight?” He questioned, I turned around and shook my head.

“Nope! It’s perfect.” I replied, smiling. “Thanks, Lou. Now why’re you up here?”

“Zayn and Niall sent me up here to see if you and Aria actually got out of bed, seems like you did.” He chuckled.

“Yes, we got up.” I laughed, “Now scurry out; I need to get my bottoms on.”

“I’ll just turn around.” He winked, “Just in case you need help with those too.”

“No! I don’t trust you!” I exclaimed, pushing him out the door. Right before I shut it I smiled and said, “Thanks again, we’ll be right out.”

I slipped my bottoms off and the bikini bottoms on, walking into the hallway and grabbing two towels. By time I got back into my room Aria was out in the bikini I let her borrow.

“It’s cute!” I gushed, throwing her towel at her. She blushed.

“Thanks.” Is what she replied, “Now, who was in here?” She asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

It was my turn to blush now, “Louis, he helped me with my bathing suit top.”

She elbowed me in the side, smiling. “Well let’s get down there before we’re bombarded with boys again.”

I nodded and we both headed out of my room and down the stairs.

Once we got there Harry ran over to Aria and picked her up, twirling her around, before kissing her on the lips.

“Awww!” I gushed again, making them both blush.

“Let’s go!” Louis exclaimed, throwing me over his shoulder.

“This is my new form of transportation?” I asked, looking at Louis out of the corner of my eye.

“If you want it to be.” He winked.

We got to the pool and he sat me down. Surprisingly, not in the pool.

Aria walked up to me and nudged me, telling me to get in the pool and that she had something to tell me. I nodded and jumped in, resurfacing seconds later.

She jumped in and swam over to me.

“Zayn looked soooo jealous when Louis had thrown you over his shoulder.” She said, looking around to make sure no one was listening.

“Oh really?” I asked, peering at Zayn who was lounging in one of the lounge chairs.

She nodded, “Oh and Zayn can’t swim, so don’t push him into the deep end.”

“Thanks for in information, that’s exactly what I was going to do. I guess I won’t now.” I frowned before getting splashed by Louis, who had just jumped in.

“Louis!” I whined, “You got me wet!”

Everyone around us burst into laughter, I dunked myself and swam over to Louis, pulling him under the water by his feet.

He just stared at me before tackling me in a hug, bringing us both above the water.

“You’re dirty.” He teased.

“You made me say it!” I gasped. Just then I realized how close our bodies were, they were practically touching.

“Did nooot!” He defended, getting closer. Soon he wrapped his arms around my waist.

“Did to!” I replied nervously, not sure what was going to happen.

“Hi.” He said simply, putting our foreheads together.

“Hello.” I replied casually.

“Bye.” He smirked, dunking me.

“LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON!” I exclaimed, resurfacing and swimming after him.

“Oh so you know my middle name now? And my last?” He joked.

“Aria told me everything I need to know about you nimrod’s.” I replied, tackling him under the water.

I accidently went under that time, so when we both resurfaced we were laughing.

“So what’s your middle name?” Louis asked casually.

“Marie” I replied just as casually.

“Cute.” He yawned, swimming to the edge and hopping out.

“He just said my middle name was cute.” I whispered to Aria, laughing.

“Well I overheard them all talking last night when I went down to get water. They all think you’re cute. Sure, they used the word gorgeous when I heard them, but still.” She smiled, winking.


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