Chapter 1: The Unbreakable shield

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Narrators POV

It was a fall evening when izuku was walking home, The cherry blossom trees are dying and izuku was walking home and his teachers forced him to walk home with bakugou. most of the time they were silent. when izuku got home he went to his apartment and knocked on the apartment door since he forgot his key. "mom i forgot my key inside." he says loud enoughfor his mom to hear. after about two minutes later deku's mom opens the door with heavy bags. "welcome home izuku" she says with a faint smile. "mom you look awful. let me take you too your bed.ill be fine cooking for myself. just get some rest." izuku tells his mom wit his normal bright and cute smile. his mom sighs and agrees. izuku carries his mom too her room and sets her down on the bed. "night mom" izuku said with a gentle voice as his mom fell into a deep slumber

As deku slowly left his moms room to cook the home phone rang, so deku picked up. "hello?" deku said waiting for a reply "hello, is inko midoriya there?" the man asks. "may i ask who this is before i answer that?" deku asks with cations. "were the work place she works at. we we're calling cause she needs to stay longer tomorrow then usual." deku looks in the direction of her moms room. "shes asleep right now but ill tell her that. have a nice evening sir." deku said as the man hung up and izuku went back to cooking. after he cooked a dinner his own phone rang. it was kirishima. so he answers. "you need something kirishima?" deku asks while eating. "Yeah me, kamanari and sero were going to hang out at this new computer cafe. you in?" deku has never been to a cafe before, let alone a computer one. "sure ill tag along. where are we meeting up at?" there was a long silence and only whispers could be heard. "meet up at the entrance for school around 6. that sound good? also it will be this weekend." deku thought for a second. "sure that sounds great. see you at school!" i hung up and finished dinner. i washed the dishes and went too bed.

Around 6:27 am in the morning the next day

Izuku's POV

i start to wake up and i look at my clock. i realize that my alarm didn't go off, not only that but my chest feels heavier. but it doesn't bother me that much. so i get up and head to the bath room and shut the door behind me. when i look into the mirror i let out a high pitch scream. i hear my moms foot steps rushing over the the bathroom. when she opens the door i turn too her. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!?!?!" i say with that high voice i now had. my mom looks at me confused. "izuku is this some kind of joke?" she asks me with a stern look. "i swear i'm not joking." i say with a pleading "well we don't have enough time to fix this. I'll make you a skirt  for your uniform after i help you get dressed. and you have too wear female under garments. so hold still and I'll get you ready. about 2 hours later my mom had me all dressed up and i was running too U.A as fast as i can. i arrive at 8:45 cause of the crowds and i run in knowing im going to be late. when i get into the classroom out of breath everybody besides bakugou and shotu look at my me. almost everyone one looks confused as i take my usual seat. it takes everybody a second realize that im midoriya. "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU MIDORYIA!?!?!?" Iida does his normal hand motions. i get really flustered and lay my head down. i was given detention for being late. when lunch rolled around i sat at my normal table and uraraka wouldn't stop asking me how it happened. "tell me deku, please." her begging is getting old. "i don't know how I turned like this. i woke up this morning and i looked like this" i tell her but she wouldn't believe me, then kirishima walks over to me. "you becoming a girl isn't effecting us going to the new computer cafe does it?" i smile at him. "i'm still going." kirishima runs back over to his table and tells kamanari and sero. then all of a sudden uraraka gets this weird look on her face. "what is it?' i ask her with a confused look. "that's a date isn't it?" she starts to giggle. "no we planned this last night about 1 hour after i got home." we finish our lunch and im walking with sero and kirishima when i feel the back of my skirt being lifted up, i jump as my skirt is lifted up and i trip as i try to turn around and i land on my butt. i see mineta who was standing behind us with his phone out about to take a picture. all of a sudden mineta is wrapped up in tape then kirishima throws him into a locker. i look up and i see sero and kirishima with disgust in there eyes. they both help me up. "its like you to are treating me like i'm a princess" i start to giggle then sero must of gotten the bright idea to fuck with me. he bows and says. "of course my princess." kirishima gets the joke and does the same. they both start laughing as i turn bright red. "w-what the hell you two. i feel really hot." i punch both of them on the head then i realized what i did and i start to tear up as i apologize profusely. "sorry i didn't mean too" they end up laughing there asses off as i start to laugh too. we then realize the next class was about to start so we all run to the next class

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