Chapter 3: Chaotic Christmas party

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Narrators POV

After izuku fainted she fell into about 2 feet of snow. so it took kirishima and tetsutetsu to dig her out. after about 5 minutes of digging her out. izuku was shivering. so tetsutetsu and kirishima took her inside and put her in her sleeping bag. after that kirishima snuggled up too her as they lit a fire inside.

1 hour later

Kirishima's POV

About six hours after we dug izuku, her eyes started to flutter open. but she looked awful, she was sniffling and had a runny nose. i put my hand up too her forehead and she is burning up a little bit. i think she just has a fever, tetsutetsu."  so he heads back out as i just snuggle up too her as she passes out and i fall asleep. as i try and fall asleep i feel her cold body try and get warmth from me. remembering that too warm someone up if they have frost bite is too strip down to your underwear and get into the sleeping bag with them. so i did so and she clung too me as a few seconds later the girls and tetsutetsu come in. they look at me with a death stare. "you perverted fuck" uraraka looks at me. "I'm not perverted, she was shaking badly and since this is the best way too warm someone up if the fire isn't helping. plus im not a pervert like mineta." uraraka wants to object but she stops herself knowing im right. but as the others came in. i almost got killed by so many boys. "Calm your tits ya fucking dip shits, Not only are you trying to hit me while shes by me, its like you have a stick up your ass and at the same time your panties are in a bunch." i explain to the others what i explain to the girls. izuku starts to wake up cause of the noise and looks at me and sees that i have no shirt on. she also notices that im only in boxers. "w-w-w-what are you d-d-d-doing k-k-k-kirshima?" she asks me looking like a sick and nervous wreck. "you were shivering your ass off so when the fire and my sleeping bag didn't warm you up, i had too do this in case you got frost bite. and no im not getting out cause your still freezing." everyone starts to object until the noise scares izuku and she hugs my torso. after doing so she slides into the sleeping bag farther, as do i. and once shes fully under she latches onto my chest in fear. "guys shut up your scaring her." they listen as the girls get a good idea. "izuku we wont tell your mom this if, you watch a scary movie with us. you cant run or hide you have to watch it all the way through." the girls start taking pictures as shes sighs. i feel her getting out of the sleeping bag but i stop her. "one, black mailing is not okay. two, your staying in cause your freezing." i slide out and carry her in the screening room as i slide back into the bag. tetsutetsu sat by usas well as shinsou. as the movie starts she hugs her pillow on too dear life. about mid way through the movie she pulls me and tetsutetsu closer to her. "why did you do that?" i ask her quietly. "so i felt more safer" i chuckle as she pouts and as she sees a jump scare she was the only who yelped and she latched onto my arm for dear life. everyone looks at her. she feels like a million eyes are on her, i cant help but feel bad. but after a few minutes she lets go and gets scared again. this time she latched onto my lower body. after the movie is over she's back to normal body heat. i hop out of the sleeping bag and get dressed as i ask tetsutetsu and shinsou, they agreed and we started to watch the walking dead

Izuku's POV

I slowly open my eyes and look at my phone. its around 11:30 am. I also don't see my human heater. i hear noises coming from the living room. i didn't realize that i only had a shirt and my undergarments on. the shirt didn't even cover the panties but as i walk into the living room. i see kirishima so i walk up too him and get under the blanket he's using and snuggle up too him. "don't leave me. your now my personal heater." he sighs as he just hugs me closer too him. in about 10 minutes i fall asleep on top of him. (A/N: kirishima is laying on the couch like it's a bed. izuku is laying on top of kirishima like he's a bed.) he sits up a bit his chin is resting on my head.

6 am. December 20th

I slowly wake up too see kirishima's amazing red eyes. i yawn and stretch as the boys are watching walking dead. "how long have you boys been watching this?" kirishima yawns and he checks his phone. "all night" i look shocked as i demanded them to sleep. they all do so as kirishima uses me as his pillow. but i was able to grab my bag that i left in here and slip on some shorts as i hug him closely. after a few hours we all wake up and people are setting up a party. being lazy i stay on the couch. when uraraka rolled me of the couch i hit my ankle off the coffee table. i scream fuck as loud as i can. everybody starts laughing as i just lay and pout on the couch. after a few hours everything is set up as all of us sit and watch tv.

A/N hey i kno this part is short but im working on a diff story. if you all like this please give me a comment so i know you want more and i can make this too.

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