7: Photos & Visits

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This hoe has got me fucked up if he thinks I'm really going to do that.

"Y/N, it's for your own good. I don't want you to get hurt. You are staying put. I mean i-" I slapped Raine across the face. "Bish, since when has that worked on me? I always have perfect attendance. Not ending that now."

Raine blinked and puffed out his cheeks and huffed. "Fine, but I'm going with. I'll be a sec. Let me get ready."

I roll my eyes and put my hand on my hip, tapping my foot. "Make it quick, Raine. We haven't all day. I have to be at work in less then fifteen minutes!"

While Raine and his slow ass was getting ready, I decided to check my phone. Ever since last night with all their numbers now in my phone, they have literally blown it up. Mostly texts from Jungkook and Hoseok, but still.

Speaking of.

ScaryBunny3: Morning, princess? Sleep well? Hope so ;)

I rolled my eyes and gave Jungkook a small and bland reply before scrolling through my other texts. Two were from Hoseok still asking if I was his favorite after hours of explaining and complaining about his old phone. Three from Jin, mostly about my welfare and if I would consider him. Namjoon and Jimin just spammed me with pictures and emojis and Taehyung was being his salty self for not being my favorite and making rude comments. Major eye roll.

But the one that scared me the most was when Yoongi just texted me.

SugaSwags: morning, my queen You looked so peaceful sleeping! 😇😳😋😍😘

ThatOneGirl: wtf, Suga? -.-

SugaSwags: *sent photo*

ThatOneGirl: O.o Suga.... How the hell did you get that photo!?

SugaSwags: I have my ways, queen.

ThatOneGirl: I'm blocking you..

SugaSwags: wait-

*SugaSwags has been blocked*

I finally set my phone down and pulled my hair up in a messy ponytail as I put on my store vest and drove to work at the mini market/ gas station. I spent two hours literally doing nothing. No one was showing up and the manager was off that day so she was all alone.

Then an idea popped in my head and I grinned. I pulled a waste basket out into the corner and grabbed the trash and a few bags, balling it all up. Then I started to throw "hoops"at the basket. I admitted it wasn't the best thing, but at least I'm not bored.

I did a small jump and ended up stepping the wrong way and tripping on my foot somehow. As I embraced myself for contact, arms had wrapped themselves around me. I, of course, thought it was Raine (who said he had an interview for a few hours) and grinned as my eyes met amazing, shiny blue ones. There was this really handsome man about my age holding me in his arms. He had pale-ish skin and he had pink hair scattered across his head in the messy, hot kind of way. He wore a large sweater with plaid hood and sleeves and washed out ripped jeans.

He smirked. "Oh, hello. Didn't expect to run into a cutie on my trip here."

My cheeks flamed dark red and I scrambled back and groaned, muttering. "What the hell is with all these korean men suddenly coming into my life?"

His right eyebrow rose and he chuckled, holding out his hand to help me up. I took it as he spoke. "You must be talking about BTS. Yeah, they should be back in Korea by now... I don't know what's holding them back. Maybe it's a pretty girl like you. I'm Kunpimook Bhuwakul. But you can just call me Bam Bam, or Bam." He grinned and winked at me.

Omg, how did I not notice. It's freaking Bam Bam from Got7, one of my other favorite bands.

His chuckle made me come out of my trance and I knew he probably knew I knew who he was. "I see you've heard of me. My reputation percedes me, huh? Look, I know it's soon, but would it be too much to ask for your number? And it's cool how you know Korean."

I quickly nod as I was a blushing mess and we both put our numbers in each other's phones. I secretly put his contact name as 😍Bias 😍.

"Did you get my message?" Bam asked and I nodded. He grinned and hugged me, kissing my cheek as he pulled back. "See you again, cutie.~" he winked and left, just leaving me in a fan girling, heart racing, face flushed mess.

I noticed money on the counter and saw Bam Bam gave me a lot more money then he should of and I gasped. "Huge tip, thank you for this blessing!" I squealed.


Hoseok's POV ( ☺ )

I was on my way to suprise my Sunshine this morning with a bunch of food, snacks and drinks when I froze outside the market.

Staring inside the market, I saw my Sunshine laughing and blushing to another man. And of course it just had to be Bam Bam!

I grit my teeth as I held down my fury. I hid as Bam left and set the stuff down before following him silently behind. Then I pulled him into the alley way and slammed him to the brick wall as my blazing, furious eyes glared into his frightened, confused ones.

"Hello, Bam Bam. I wonder, whatever could you be doing here? You don't seem to have anything, so I can't help but wonder, was it to see my Sunshine?"

His eyes widened the narrowed as he frowned. "Are you talking about (Y/N)? Dude, she's not property. She's her own self and really sweet and amazing and-"

I growled and slammed his head against the wall making blood drizzle down his head. I noticed he was just barely awake. I smirked and brought his face close to mine, eyes dangerous. "Do not ever, I repeat, ever, talk to my Sunshine or say her name again. And just to make sure." I hummed and knocked him out and dragged him to the car I noticed that Jungkook had rented for the group. He must be here. Oh well, at least I am getting rid of an obstacle.

I smirked as I stuffed him in the trunk and sped away. Prepare for torture, Bam Bam. And prepare to mine, Sunshine."


Hello, my readers. I wanna thank you for all the readers I already have. I wasn't expecting to get so popular so quick. I love you all.

A little more yandere action in this house. And poor Bam Bam.

Anyways, please vote, Comment (PLEASE!), and Follow.


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