Eraserhead and Present Mic

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The next day, I dragged Momo just outside of the cafeteria to talk.

She crossed her arms.

"So, we're not allowed to eavesdrop on you, but you can eavesdrop on us?" She growled.

I stared at her. "You knew?"

"Everyone knew! Midoryia blew your cover!" She snapped.

I shook my head. "You have every right to spy on me. But I have never spread any rumors about you! Or anyone else!" I cried.

"It's not a rumor if it's true!" Momo hissed. "You are crushing hard on Izuku!"

"No! That's not true! He's my friend, and I'm straight!" I yelled. "And why do you think I'm the one with the crush?"

What's with that look again, Mom?

She shrugged. "Pfft. I see the way you look at him. You blush when he touches you. And yesterday, the way you held him, like you never wanted to let go... You've definitely got a thing for your 'friend.' Also, Midoryia is still in love with Uraraka."

I stiffened. She had hurt him. Didn't even have the decency to break up with him first.

Again, Mom? What?

She snorted. "You tensed when I said her name. But fine, I'll leave you alone."

"And stop spreading rumors!" I called.

"Not rumors!" She called back.

I ran off to the bathrooms.

Wish I hadn't.

When I got in, two people were kissing against the wall.

Two teachers.

Why was it always the bathrooms?

I ran as fast as I could to get away. I heard Present Mic calling to me, saying sorry, but I just kept running. I needed to throw up.

Today just wasn't my day.

I heard Eraserhead telling Mic to leave it alone. I figured this was the best thing to do.

I saw Mineta annoying Izuku when I got back.

I froze his purple "hair" and he cried, asking me to remove the ice, and I made him promise to leave us alone. That was the last we saw of him today.

"Guess what?" Izuku said, beaming. His smile put me at ease, and made me forget about what I saw.


"What?" I asked.

"Mom and All Might are getting married!" He laughed. "I've never been happier!"

"Well, good," I said smiling back at him.

"Will you come?" He asked.

"If my dad let me, he'd have to come too," I explained. "So, I'm sorry, but no."

Izuku looked a little sad and I felt really guilty. But it's not my fault. I'm not letting my father anywhere near Midoryia.

What? He's a sweet boy.

Later that day, Present Mic came up to me, Eraserhead behind him.

I don't think I can look at them the same ever again.

"Shoto... Todoroki..." Mic said, clearly out of breath. Eraserhead looked a me.

"I tried to stop him," he said. I nodded.

"We should at least apologize!" Mic declared, glaring at his... fellow teacher.

"Thanks Mic, really, but Aizawa is right, I'd just like to forget about this and move on. As soon as possible." I was really hoping he'd let me leave.

Mic smiled. "Okay, then! Whatever you insist! See you in class tomorrow, Todoroki!" He bounded off.

I came here as soon as I could, and are you proud? I didn't vomit on the way.

Almost done with my other book! Sort of sad it's coming to an end so soon! I've got a few more chapters of this too. Tododeku is the only Todoroki ship I'm okay with, since I love Shoto and Deku is such a good kid. Vote if you liked, or don't.

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