skin & bones.

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- for the ones who can touch, but can never keep the people they love

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- for the ones who can touch, but can never keep the people they love.

JULY 17, 2018
2:47 PM

Tuesday, July 17th
2:47 PM

my shift been over
move your long ass legs faster

im almost there.
and you're just jealous
im taller than u.

bitch fuck you
hurry the fuck up

The bell signaling someone had entered the salon rung and I looked up from my seat at the front desk. Camari waltzed in, her curly, black hair bouncing around her shoulders. Her face was bare besides the shiny lipgloss that sat upon her lips - which were turned upwards into a smile as she walked towards me.

"You're really rude," she said, as if I didn't already know. "Why am I your best friend?"

"You should be asking yourself why I let you be my best friend dressed like that." I look down at her bright outfit. Her pants were white and her blouse and sneakers matched with a light pink. Her necklace, bracelets and rings also sharing the shade. I looked to her nails, genuinely surprised they were only covered in a clear polish. It more than likely had to do with the fact I was rushing her. If I hadn't been texting her nonstop to get her ass over here her nails would more than likely be pink right now. "You look like a starburst."

"Black and white aren't the only colors, Mona," she said, leaning against the desk. "Just because you die your hair different colors doesn't mean that's the only colors you can wear."

"Bitch, fuck you-"

"Stop that cussing in my salon!" my cousin, Shay, interrupted from her styling chair.

"You've said 'fuck' fifty six times since ten this morning," I argued, turning to face her as she finished a braid on her client's hair. "I counted."

"Didn't think your attention span lasted that long," Bianca laughed from her seat in her chair as she flipped through a magazine.

"Bitch, mind your business," I shot back. "You need to be keeping tabs on your cheating ass husband instead of flipping through that magazine you know you can't afford anything from."

Bianca flicked me off before getting up from her chair and disapearing into the laundry room, no doubt to cry about her unfaithful piece of shit husband.

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