the girl who weeped until the sun rose.

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- for the ones we have lost

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- for the ones we have lost. we miss you.

NOVEMBER 13, 2018
4:36 PM

"Cam just got a promotion at her job," I said, looking at the full cup of water in my hands. I stared down at the still water, looking through the clear substance. "Kalia is almost done with her album. It should be out in January and Tallula is doing really well. She had to switch medications because the other one stopped working for her, but since she changed it she's been doing really well. The Victoria Secret Fashion Show was last week and she fucking killed it - like always. And Zahra, well, she's not doing so great. Something happened and now all of her friends are in a fight, but I give them a week and they'll make up. They always do."

I carefully sat my cup on the coffee table and tucked both sides of my blue hair behind my ears. My foot was bouncing up and down as I looked at Theresa who was siting across from me like she always was, with her notepad in hand and a neutral expression on her face like always.

"You know I love hearing about the people in your life, Ramona. Therapists thoroughly believe that knowing the kinds of people our clients are around gives us an insight into behavior and emotions and who you are. The ones around us have a great deal of influence on who we are and how we act, so knowing what is going on in the lives of the people closest to you is always nice," Theresa informed me, a small smile on her lips. "But ever since you've gotten here that's all you've talked about. What's going on with other people. You haven't talked about yourself at all."

"I'm good," I nodded, my foot still tapping. Theresa's brown eyes flickered to my bouncing leg before looking back up at me.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Of course I'm sure. What kind of fucking question is that?" I snapped and she raised an eyebrow. My features softened and I took a breath, leaning back into the couch. "I'm sorry. I'm just tired. I've been busy with these back to back shoots and interviews and it's just taking a toll I think."

"Maybe you should take some time off," Theresa suggested and I shook my head.

"No, I already signed contracts. I can't pull out now. I'll have time to rest over Thanksgiving," I shrugged.

"Are you sure you can make it until then?" Theresa asked and I looked at her with my tired eyes. "You look completely drained, Ramona."

"I can make it," I nodded as if I was trying to convince myself. "I don't have to get up until eight tomorrow. After this I'm going straight home and sleeping. I'll be fine."

She hooked her pen onto the notepad and clasped her hands together as she looked at me with suspicious eyes. "And you're sure that's all that's wrong? You're just overworked?"

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