It hurts you idiot

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This is a rebel au btw... this is just the first chapter and... yeah enjoy!

Trigger Warning!!

John's Pov:
Alex: John I might not be coming home tonight and don't worry I'm just staying with Thomas

John: yeah when are you not?

Alex: John.... we've already talk about this.

John: yeah... and it still hurts you idiot.

Alex: I don't even like you as a lover

John: but I do

Alex: John stop being so dramatic

John: me? Dramatic? You wish.

Alex: John... I don't want to hurt you

John: but you keep doing it

Alex: I'll buy you donuts tomorrow

John: yeah...

After that he didn't respond.

"Alex your smart but also an idiot, tsk" I mumbled.
"Mon ami you alright?" Ask Laf "yeah. I'm always fine" I replied with a hint of sarcasm in my voice "now your just being sarcastic" Lafayette pointed out walking inside my room "mmhm.."

"Come on John, you can tell me anything you do know that right?" He ask walking over me but even before he could sit on my bed or couch I stopped him by saying "Laf just... get out I'm tired, I just wanna rest." I'm not even lying, I really am tired tired of Alex's bullsh*t!
Lafayette did as what he was told and walk out my room well... mine and Alex's. "Alex... I just want you to stop just stop... is that to much to ask?" I sighed "maybe I'll just keep dreaming" mumbled, slowly drifting off to sleep. Yeah... in dreams no one can hurt you.

Lafayette's Pov:
Morning came and of course so does Alexander.

I was just in the kitchen drinking some tea and suddenly I heard the doorbell rung. "Coming!" I yelled setting down my tea. And as I open the door I saw Hamilton and his boyfriend who looks like me in the doorway.

Way to start my day.

"Morning Laf! Is John awake?" Alex ask while smiling and with a box of donuts in his hands. "Nope, its best not to disturb him tho, he seems stressed last night" I explained "yeah... noted" I saw Alexander's smile drop. I look at Thomas and he looks back at me "Thomas" I started "Lafayette" he replied. "Okay sooo... uh... I bought this donuts for John soo..." Hamilton started "oh yeah, I should head back now, see you later babe" Thomas said giving Alex a kiss. Thank god John was asle-- "Laf? Who's at the door?"


John's Pov:
I woke up because someone was ringing the doorbell this early in the morning. At first I didn't want to get up because it might be Alexander and I don't want to see his stupid face but....
I let out a frustrated sigh and got up from my bed and walking to the door.

"Laf? Who's at the door?" I ask, I look to the direction where I thought Lafayette was standing but all I saw was Alexander and Jefferson kissing.

"Crap! I should've stayed on the bed" I curse to myself.

I look up and saw Alexander and Thomas staring at me.

"Mon cheri, its too early for you to be up and its not good for you since you slept pretty late last night" Lafayette pointed out "not my fault" I shrugged "John I--"
"You what asshole?!" I snapped.
I don't wanna start my morning like this.... just as I'm about to say something I heard a door open "Lafy? What's all this ruckus ab--"
"John Laurens stop being a god damn kid and listen! Your being a burden you know that!?" Alex snapped not letting Hercules to finish his sentence.

Now I'm a burden? First you told me that you don't want to hurt me and now your calling me a kid and a burden?!

"Oh my god John stop being a crybaby for gods sake!" He yelled.

"Wha-? I'm not--" I started but I noticed that Alex was right I am crying. I tried wiping the tears away but I couldn't. I can't take the pain anymore... I started hyperventilating.

"John? Mon ami?! Breath and calm down!" Lafayette yelled walking over me to help. This is not my plan on starting my days!

"Oh god! John I'm so sorry!" Hamilton said walking up to me but before he could even lay a hand on me Hercules stopped him. "Alexander its best for you if you stay away from John" said Herc, Lafayette turn to Alex "Je te déteste" he spat. I can't breath... "Lafy..." I whimpered. F*ck I sound so pathetic.

I can't remember what happened after that. Everything became blurry... and dark.


I think I'm a masochist... no really I like reading angst and seeing the main character die!
Jk, I don't wanna see John getting hurt buuut.... I still love angst!

Part 2????


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