chapter one..

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( i will be adding a song up there ^ you can play it or not, i suggest you do)

August 5th, 2018 *summer*

"i bet we're going to have hella guys drooling for us" olivia joked as we were both wondering what this school year was going to bring us.

"oh yeah for sure" i replied sarcastically knowing that she was going to take it seriously.

"i know right! we have to look nice though" she says this time coming closer to me.

"back off dude, i was kidding" i say as i lightly chuckle and lightly push her shoulder.

"do you think you'll finally have a crush on a guy this time?" she asks as she picks up her charger to charge her phone, once she plugs her charger to her phone she lifts her head waiting for my reply.

"you ask this all the time before we start school, and i always answer no, you know that, why do you keep asking?" i ask as i do the "wtf" face.

"come on ruby, i know i always ask you but every year there is something new right? you never know sis" she says then she smacks her lips in the end.

"i don't do relationships, they're useless and a waste of time" i say with no emotion.

"so love is useless and a waste of time?" she asks crawling next to me and eventually she lays down.

"i've never been in love.. i wouldn't know, but i'm not going to get hurt like every girl does once she gets involved with someone, or be like any guy that gets hurts when they get involved with someone." i say as i sit up looking straight at her.

"i'm here for the fun and the pleasure, not for heart breaks and drama, olivia" i say trying to end the conversation.

"you'll find someone though ruby.." she finally replies.




August 20th, 2018 *first day of their senior year*


fuck.. i have to get up, i'm already hating this god damnit. i open my eyes to be blinded by the morning light. my eyes start to throb seeing it so i quickly rub them. i yawn and pull my blanket off of me exposing my legs.

i usually shower at night so all i have to do is pick out something to wear, and put on my makeup. i usually wear a lot of makeup whenever there is a special occasion. for school or for a daily basis i would just wear some foundation, concealer, eyeliner, mascara, blush, highlighter, pinkish tinted lip gloss, and eyebrow gel.

it sounds like a lot when in reality when you wear it, it's not that dramatic. for my hair i just usually straighten it a little to make my hair a little more wavy, and i would just let my bangs sit there and cover up whatever is on my forehead. for my outfits i don't do very much, i just pick out whatever i want to fucking wear and wear it.

if you can tell, i have very to little emotion to things, it's like i'm physically paralyzed to feelings. i sometimes wish i could care, but sometimes there is no reason to care. anyways i decide to wear something hot but not a lot oof-

i decided to wear a black crop top that is pretty comfortable, some grey ripped jeans and some black nike roshes. i usually wear black clothes, i just love them. i even have a black backpack lol.

i have been in the same high school, i haven't moved or anything like that so i know how this school works. we get to wear free dress if we have been there for at least a year. if it is your first year you get to wear your uniform which i don't have to wear. but fortunately for the seniors we get to wear free dress whether we have or haven't gone here.

i put some nice japanese cherry blossom lotion on, then some japanese cheery blossom perfume on. of course i applied deodorant before applying clothes. we love a nice smelling sister.

i check everything. i brushed my teeth, check. i did my makeup, check. i did my hair, check. i'm wearing decent clothes, check. i smell nice, check. okay i'm done. time for hell now.

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