Entry 3

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Saterday, April 6th,1801
It was a dark and stormy night as I sat around the fire stove with my ma, pa, and sister. Pa was skinning the wild deer we killed in the woods to make for super.
Ma, and Jane, my sister set up the table as I sit here, and think of how scared the deer must have been when it found out that it was shot with an arrow.I wonder what it felt like to die just, and to be eaten by humans. It must have felt horrible. Then again it did eat too, just like me. But it has been a hard winter and there was hardly any food besides that ghastly smelly bread broth. If we hadn't had that we would have died from starvation, because Jane took second helpings from the moose me and Pa caught just before winter started, cause she was sick of the flu. I guess in the end it's nature's way of making us survive.
-Timothey Brown

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2018 ⏰

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