01. prologue

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It was on a chilly Saturday evening outside his mom's quaint flower shop when he stood beside the sleek Rover, keys in hand and worry etched between his brows. After the handsome customer had stepped inside their shop, clad in nothing but several hundred thousand dollars from top to bottom, his mom had motioned for the car keys dangling from the pocket of the young man's tailored dress pants. Seokjin, having mastered the art of shoplifting right under the authorities' noses, hadn't found it the least bit difficult to snatch the keys with just one swift motion.

His mom's eager and hopeful look as he exited the shop was the only push of encouragement he needed to wrongfully pry open the car door and swoop inside, eyes darting towards the radio and some extra valuables in the backseat. He immediately pockets the glimmering watch perched by the dashboard and fishes out his handy screwdriver. This will be enough to cover the month's rent.

Just as he's about to unscrew the radio, a firm grip on his shoulder pulls him back. Luck was not always on their side, he realizes, as a serious-looking stranger holds him tightly by his arm. The man didn't look a day older from Seokjin, yet his aura had the smaller one flailing and struggling to break free. After several failed attempts, a deep voice from behind asks the man to let Seokjin go. He does so with a scowl on his face.

"Pretty boy here should learn some self-defense if you're into stealing people's shit," the same voice speaks, tone hinted with mockery. Seokjin isn't surprised to find the handsome customer eyeing him amusedly, a small smirk settled on his lips. "Not pretty boy," he bites back, albeit knowing he doesn't have the upper-hand in this situation, and flings the key in the air for the man to catch it with no sweat.

"That attitude of yours can get you in trouble."

Seokjin glances back at the sharp eyes and notices the slight lilt of interest in his voice. Seokjin pokes a tongue out from the corner of his lips and tilts his head, taking a step towards the handsome man. "I'm in luck then," he drawls out, fingers reaching to fix the other's collar, "because I love trouble."

He leaves with a wink and the customer returns the next day with an offer for him.

Months pass by and he does learn self-defense from Jeongguk, the serious guy who doesn't smile once. Taehyung was right; if you love trouble then you need to learn how to get yourself out of it too.

Seokjin doesn't know the equation behind a rich eighteen year old with a seventeen year old bodyguard ("best friend", Taehyung says but Jeongguk insists otherwise) eager to watch him break ethics, eager to teach him how to break ethics. Seokjin doesn't know how or why the two teenagers are such great fighters, has no idea as to why Taehyung carries guns and has scary looking men guarding his every move when night falls - knows nothing.

What Seokjin does know is that Taehyung is exhilarating. The glint of pure excitement in his eyes as they key vehicles, spray-paint closed shutters at night and shoplift from luxurious stores,  reminds Seokjin of a kid who's offered candy. Taehyung has riches only one can dream of yet the joy he gets from breaking rules is incomprehensible. My perfect partner in crime.

Taehyung is addictive. He says the same to Seokjin, breathing sweet nothings as they bask under the moonlight with the roof of Taehyung's car open, both bodies sweaty and shirtless beneath a thin blanket. "You're my pretty little vixen," Taehyung murmurs, a gentle hand skimming through Seokjin's locks as he lays his head on the strong chest. Seokjin looks up, the gentle night breeze fleeting by, and leans down to slot their bruised mouths together.

Taehyung is trouble, and Seokjin loves trouble.


a/n : i turned 18 last friday and i feel so old huhuhu. anyway, took a break from other things to write this down today. not satisfied but i was in the mood so-

PoutyHyungMASEOKCHIST- my ult loves, hope you guys will accept this as my form of apology from being gone for so long😭❤

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