02. the boss

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Chapter 01

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Chapter 01

"This is me."

Yoongi huffs, Seokjin doesn't hear it but he can see the wispy white smoke that drawls out from between the smaller's lips. It's a cold winter night and Seokjin instinctively pulls his jacket closer.

"Be home by—"

"Six in the morning. I know, Yoongi-hyung." Yoongi huffs again, this time loud enough for a passerby to look over in curiosity. People and their nosy noses, tsk.

Smiling, Seokjin reaches out to securely tie the hoodie's knot under Yoongi's chin. He grumbles something about suffocation but Seokjin pays him no heed.

"Make sure to heat up the jjampong I made for you. You'll have to go on a treasure hunt to find the scallops though because they were kinda expensive so I didn't use a lot," the younger rambles off while perfecting his bow-tie knot and Yoongi has to cut him off by placing his large (and surprisingly warm) hands on top of Seokjin's.

It's unspoken, the feelings they have for each-other. Yoongi cares for Seokjin, alot. He might not wear his heart on his sleeves but Seokjin knows. Yoongi drops him off at his workplace in the dead of the night — every single night. "It's a dangerous city, you might not know what dangers lurk in the night." Is what Yoongi says everytime Seokjin whines about him being overprotective of his perfectly adult neighbour.

Friends, Seokjin corrects himself. Maybe more than—

"If you two are done with your mushy, gushy boyfriend talks, then can you finally head on inside, Your Highness?"

Jaehwan's unusually snarky tone startles the two. Yoongi looks clearly unamused at the intrusion while Seokjin turns to give his boss a pointed look.

"You should go," Yoongi whispers from beside him and gives their intertwined hands a brief squeeze. It's warm, Yoongi's hand is so so warm that Seokjin almost wants to turn around and go back home and maybe share the jjampong together and spend the night in Yoongi's room but he has matters to attend to.

"Be safe," he says softly before letting go of Yoongi's hand reluctantly. "You too."

Yoongi leaves and Seokjin watches him go until he cannot sight the retreating figure any longer.

Jaehwan clears his throat, clearly disgruntled. The man had no ounce of patience in him, Seokjin remembers him screaming on the phone one day about how he couldn't afford to have patience. He had an excuse too, running a brothel couldn't possibly be easy.

"Get your ass inside, Jin. The boss is visiting tonight and I can't afford to have my best whore not working but mulling about his love life."

Seokjin bristels at the word but he's gotten a lot worse from the man. Jaehwan isn't as terrible of a human as his potty mouth makes him out to be but he could be a major asshole when on edge, and nothing sent Jaehwan on edge more than a visit from The Boss.

"You haven't been taking your blood-pressure pills, have you?" Seokjin raises a brow as he enters his flashy workplace. Jaehwan falls in step with him and sighs in defeat, "No time for any pills."

Fake Love is an exclusive establishment. Every patron that steps foot inside the building comes from riches. It's written in their pressed suits, the blinding watches on their wrists and the cash they pour over the entertainers. Seokjin himself owns a customized gift or two that could get him thousands if he ever sold them.

It wasn't a surprise though, because the owner of this fancy brothel was a rising business moghul with a devilishly handsome smile — Park Jimin aka The Boss.

Jaehwan makes a pained sound when he sights the man of the hour, all dressed up in a tight-fitting black shirt with the sleeves rolled up to reveal some strong muscles. Seokjin spares the poor man a glance before walking towards the dressing room, outside which stood Park Jimin, effotlessly leaning on the door and looking as handsome as ever.

"I-I will have him dressed up in no time, Boss. I know your time is precious and I didn't wan—"

Jimin raises a hand and Jaehwan immediately shuts up. Seokjin watches in interest as Jimin takes a tentative step towards him, his strong arms crossed over his chest. "Leave," he says, eyes trained on Seokjin.

They both know it's for Jaehwan who immediately opens his mouth to protest but Jimin beats him to it, "I've picked out tonight's outfit for Jin myself. I don't think he needs you for anything more than that. Make yourself useful elsewhere, Jaehwan. Thank you." He has a calm lilt to his voice but the look in his eyes tells you he is a dangerous man; Jaehwan knows it, Seokjin knows it.

"Yes, Boss." And off Jaehwan scurries, managing to pull out his pills from his pocket as he leaves (Seokjin notices in relief).

"I didn't know I was in demand from The Boss himself tonight," Seokjin drawls out, lips quirking upwards. Jimin chuckles (attractively), holding the younger's gaze intensely. "You're always in demand by me when I visit." He replies with a small smile and motions to the dressing room. "I have a special outfit I want you to wear tonight."

They enter the unoccupied dressing room with Jimin in lead and Seokjin immediately notices a striking fabric of silk on his side of the room. "Should I be impressed over the fact that you know which table is mine or you picking out my favourite material for me, that too in pink!" He picks up the outfit and beams at the elegant design. "The diamond choker that you got me last month will go perfectly with this," he softly exclaims while holding the two piece to his body and examining his reflection.

Seokjin smiles as Jimin's reflection comes to the view behind him. "Tonight's important, Seokjin." The elder explains as he helps Seokjin out of his jacket. "I have a business meeting with a powerful client tonight and he's known to be quite…difficult." Seokjin patiently listens while undressing at the same time, not missing Jimin's hot gaze on his body every once in a while.

"So I want you to attend to us tonight, distract him with your physical charms and hopefully the man will be more willing to sign the deal."

Seokjin slips into the skirt as he catches the of worry in Jimin's voice. He straightens up before leaning against his vanity and looking the elder straight in his eyes. "You're Park Jimin, you'll seal any and every deal within the blink of an eye. Don't doubt yourself." Jimin, now visibly pleased, steps forward with a slight smirk on his lips.

Before Seokjin knows it, Jimin's breathing down his neck, the intoxicating smell of expensive men's cologne wafting inside his nose and making his stomach simmer. "You're talking as if any one would drop down on their knees if I so much as walked past them," Jimin teasingly whispers in his ear. He has his hands trained possesively on either side of Seokjin's hips, caging the younger under his built body.

"Well, wouldn't they?" Seokjin replies, equally playful. "You haven't."

They share a heated look and Seokjin almost thinks Jimin's going to kiss him but he doesn't, only stopping a few inches from his lips. Seokjin can feel his breath hit his face, fuck Jimin was insanely attractive.

"I'm not just anyone though." Jimin smirks at Seokjin's statement before straightening up and distancing himself from the younger again. "Make me proud tonight, Seokjin." He says before brushing off his shirt and turning towards the door.

"Like always, boss."


a/n : e-enjoy?❤ i missed wattpad sm i'm glad exams are finally over :')

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2018 ⏰

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