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[ dedicated to purplefacey because there's a rEfErEnCe from your bo-ok ! ]

johnny orlando.

i stared in shock as the brunette fell on the ground in slow-motion.

what are you doing, you dumb boy? a voice in my head chided me. go and catch her!

i sprang forward and wrapped my arms around her waist. if she wasn't unconscious, i would've kissed her. it's so cliché, me dipping her down but she's uNCONSCIOUS JOHNNY SNAP OUT OF IT.

i heard a voice chuckle and i shuddered. must've been the wind- oh who am i kidding, the wind had been silent for all this time, why would it chuckle?

"stop laughing at me," i said to the wind. the wind didn't stop laughing.

i scowled and shook my head. why was in wind so stubborn and mean? all i did was ask for it it stop laughing! what, is this pick on johnny day?

then i realised i was still holding mackenzie mackenzie ziegler. feeling a blush arise on my cheeks, i gently set her down.

i wondered what i should do now? it's not like i can wake her up. should i give her CPR? it might seem like i was tryna do something else though..

i got on my knees and pressed my lips against hers. her eyes opened.

"what the-"


"OW!" i yelled. the brunette was sitting up now, looking very amused. "what in johnny's perfect hair was that for?!"

"johnny's perfect hair?" mackenzie mackenzie repeated, looking like she was trying not to laugh. "you sir is a very cocky person."

"but what was it for?!" i asked again, impatiently. mackenzie (i'm calling her mackenzie for short because mackenzie mackenzie is a really long like my di- ) grinned widely.

"you don't just kiss people in their sleep randomly, right? i think i've got a right to slap a creepy person when they try kiss me when i'm unconscious!"

"i wasn't trying to kiss your perfect bow n' arrow lips!" i protested.

"bow n' arrow lips?" mackenzie repeated, looking more entertained than offended. well, i did compliment her. 10 points to johnny!

"do you even know how to do CPR?" mackenzie questioned, looking doubtful. "you might accidentally kill me if i didn't save myself in time!"

"KILL YOU?" i screamed. "why would i murder such a pretty lady?!"

"you're really dramatic and creepy, you know that, right?" mackenzie stated.

"wooOOooOoOooOo!" i pretended i was a ghost because ghosts are creepy!

"oh for your perfect hair's sake, stop prETENDING TO BE A ZOMBIE!!" mackenzie yelled.

somewhere over to the north-south, a light turned on in someone's house. did they need a cup of tea? but this was america! not england!

"they probably needed to drink some gin," mackenzie commented. she didn't seem annoyed at me anymore. wow, that girl's mood swings more than a cat!

oh, did i say that out loud?

"no," mackenzie said sarcastically. "you didn't. i just happen to be able to read minds."

"COOL!" i yelled like i was a kid and just got a lifetime supply of candy and ate said candy and was now on a sugar rush. oh wait.. that did happen.

i wrapped a lollipop i got from my pocket and popped it in my mouth. i started sucking it, licking the base of the lollipop first. i rubbed my tongue against the base of it and the lollipop squeaked.

"oh my god," mackenzie muttered, burying her head in her hands. how did she do that? are her hands a grave?!

"o mah gawd!" i corrected, staring at mackenzie sternly. she seemed exasperated at me but amused at the same time. that reminds me of professor mcgonagall at harry potter.

i could've sworn she muttered 'gay' under her breath.


"you remind me of percy jackson," mackenzie stated. the united states of america! i glance back at the house. the light was still on! this is america! oh.. maybe it's because americans don't know how to make tea! hey, i don't know. i'm canadian!!

"so ..." i drawled, holding out the palm of my hand, "give me your phone." mackenzie looked at me like i was kray-zee.

"why...?" she questioned suspiciously.

"so i can give you my phone number, of course!" i exclaimed. mackenzie suddenly paled, and sHOOKETHLY handed me her phone.

i tapped on the ' create a new contact ' button and typed in my phone number, naming myself ' nine nine juan '.

i tapped on ' done ' and frowned in confusion when the phone beeped.

this number is already an existing contact.

"uhh, macky cheesy?"

"don't call me that!" she snapped.

"why do you already have my number?"



"well, shit."

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