Whiskey And Ice (1) - "The Big Bang"

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*Warning: Chapter One May Contain Curses,
Like All The Other Chapters In The Future lol*

Dedicated To The Best Editor In The World @learningtolove



Chapter One - ''The Big Bang"

A little light breeze came through the double doors as another student came in for their first day of school in Sultana High. All of them looked the same at this point, to be completely honest with you. They all had the following: slumped shoulders, tired eyes with some pretty ugly bags underneath them and eye crust, messy hair, and wrinkled uniforms. I could have sworn I saw dried drool on one of their faces too. This was really upsetting actually. It seems like I was the only one prepared for this oh, so special day, or at least I bothered to go to bed early. Or maybe it was the fact that practically everyone had somehow managed to make it to Mackenzie's end of the summer bash.

I couldn't help but mentally roll my eyes. The idea of a party the night before the first day of school seemed completely idiotic to me. I mean, not one of those people thought of making a good decision and not going? Screw the fact of even going to the stupid party, but drinking at it? Talk about dumb. They probably drank to make it even better, note the sarcasm. I can even bet you 90% of those people drove home drunk too. The thought of that made my blood boil, how inconsiderate of people! Like they haven't already made enough stupid decisions that night, but now they put other people's lives in danger? Do they ever just stop and think for a second that there are other people on the road too? That not only will those people die but probably them t-

I stopped before my thoughts got too far. I haven't been too fond of parties ever since the crash. I shook my head to get rid of all the negative thoughts, or at least attempted to. I got my last book out of my locker that I needed for the morning, and slammed it shut. Swinging my long brown hair over my shoulder, I turned around and leaned against the cold, blue, metal lockers. I shivered a little as it touched my bare back, sending chills down my spine. From this position, I surveyed the halls like the snoopy person I was. I saw some kid messily finishing some summer homework the teachers gave to us last year. I chuckled, was I the only one who completed it the day they gave it to us? I looked around again and saw another group of kids sharing around a Playboy magazine. My smile immediately turned into a disapproving look. One, because it was too early in the year to possibly get in trouble and two, because they didn't look a day older than 13. What ever happened to Pokémon?

Just as I was about to continue my surveying, the warning bell rang, which meant all students left in the hallways had approximately 15 minutes to make it to class. Every student started rushing to get there things together and race off to class. I rolled my eyes again. As much I loved school, I was not going to rush to get to class and possibly forget some of the things that I needed in the process. I don't know about you, but this school certainly did not run my life. I took out my schedule and looked at my homeroom. Room 220 - Mr. Dickenson, well at least he wasn't that bad. Applying a tight smile on my face and pushing my books tight to my chest, I started my journey towards homeroom.

I stood straight up, reaching my full height of 5'5" plus a little more if you counted my mini heels. 'Room 220' I kept chanting in my head. You see, I had to repeat things in my head in order for me to remember things. So even when I try to forget it, it's too late, I already memorized it. It's a bad habit to be completely honest. I kept repeating the words that I read over and over again until I memorized it. All of a sudden, my books were falling out of my hands and my body was being crushed in a hug. What The Fuck?

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