♥♥♥ Axel Blaze X Nani Ruseva ♥♥♥

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The 2 groups of English philology, second year earned a 2 months vacation in Japan and as soon as they got there they started to look around while Nani bowed in respect to her professor and started to walk away on her own somewhere which catches the attention of 3 of her colleagues which noticed everything she does ever since they met her

Gabriella: where is she off to?
Yolina: don't know.
Ilian: lets go and find out.
both girls nod as all three of them start walking to nani to talk to her.

Nani walks out of the air post and walks over to a taxi stand where the driver takes her bags and loads them in the trunk

Ilian, gabriella and Yolina: Nani, hold up! *yell now running over to her*

Nani tooks at them before looking at driver
Nani: Do I have enough time for a ciggarett brake?
The driver: Of course. I have to check in anyways. So you have 5 minutes
Nani nods and pulls out a ciggarett from her pack and lights it as the driver goes inside the airport to sign in her order before they can leave

all three of them reach finally reach her.
Yolina: hey.
Gabriella: so...
Ilian: where are you off to?

Nani: Inazuma Town. I'm going to spend my vacation on my own for a change. So I thought that I could get some people to agree to leave me to travel alone and do what I want

Ilian: oh.
Gabriella: sounds fun.
Yolina: sounds like a great idea. Hope you can. *smiles*

Nani: If I couldn't I wouldn't be leaving at this point now would I *asks sarcasticly while smoking* I had everything covered thanks to a few friends from Inazuma Town. I will even have my vacation expanded if my plan during my stay works out as I planed

all three of them: HUH?! *suprised and shocked*

The driver returns shortly after that and Nanu throws away her cigarett butt and gets ready to get in the taxi

Yolina: well safe travels i guess.
Ilian and Gabriella are to shocked and surprised to say anything.

Nani nods and waves as she gets in the taxi and rolls the window down
Nani: See ya guys soon .... well if we can at least *says before the driver gets inside and starts to drive away*

Yolina: *waves back* see ya soon. i hope.
gabriella and Ilian: *snap out of it* bey see ya. *wave as well*

Shortly after she leaves they go where their colleagues are and everyone settle in a Tokyo Hotel for the night and right before they fall asleep Yolina sents Gabriella a link to Nani's latest facebook post which she sees right when she and Ilian lay down on the bed after getting ready to get some shut eye

Ilian and Gabriella: What the...?!

Nani'sposted a picture 

Nani'sposted a picture 

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and wrote: "When you walk in the university and expect to enter during a lexture but instead catch some of your friends fooling around while the professor is in the toilet :DDD

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